Tuesday, August 15, 2006

How To Develop Income Streams

How To Develop Income Streams
By Adnan E

We’ve all seen it before. “Lets start a blog or a website that will be really easy to get up and running, then we’ll put some free internet content on it, then we’ll cover the page with Adsense and wait for the millions to roll into the account.”

You tell your friends to go to your site, and maybe click a few ads here and there (which you definitely should not do in the first place seeing as its banned by Google’s Terms Of Service). “Oh Wow! I’ve earned $1 today, that will definitely grow by tomorrow“. Tomorrow comes and goes and the next day passes and soon its a month and you’ve got nothing, nada, zilch.

Apart from taking the “hit and hope” solution to making easy money on the internet, you’ve also done a very silly thing. You’ve relied solely on Adsense to cover your startup costs, your profits and any expenditure that you might run into whilst on the net. What happens when all of a sudden Google bans your account for fraudulent clicks? You’re stuck in the mud with no place to go, and a lot of waiting time if you’re signing up with a new advertising solution. This means no revenue for that period of time, no profit and no growth which is what the entrepreneur name of the game is.

So how do you go about this? Diversify your income! Let’s put the beginning scenario into perspective again. Imagine now that you have your site with not only Adsense, but Text Link Ads as well serving as an extra income stream. Then if you get banned from Adsense then you’ve got the other TLA advertising solution to fall back on, which will prevent you from losing revenue and profit to grow your business.

The phrase “Income Stream” is very popular on the net, but more important in the real world. Having money to fall back on that you’ve created from a different angle definitely can help get you out of a tight situation, and can also build up on the sideline over a few months or years. Everyone wants a bit more pocket money! Whilst surfing the World Wide Web, there are a great many examples that you can profit from and use to your own advantage which can mean that you will increase your chances of conversions or sales. Take the famous Problogger, namely Darren Rowse. I talk about him a lot as he has managed to perfect his Income Gaining Skills due to the way in which blogging supports his family:

* Firstly, Darren uses Google Adsense to provide readers of his blog with a 1 click exit option, or a chance to go to a page that interests them, and that is associated with a specific article

* Rowse also has a handful of affiliate links in his left sidebar which no doubt pay a healthy cut of whatever product is sold to the user that arrives from Problogger.net.

* Problogger also features Adbrite, another text link solution, which handles the processing of payments, links on your site and much more. All you have to do is put a piece of code on your site. Text Link Ads (aff.) also offers services like this and much more, so go on and check it out!

* Finally and most imaginative and ingenious, Darren Rowse setup his own e-course called Six Figure Blogging which helps new bloggers optimize earnings for their blogs, and puts them on the road to earning “$10,000 a month”. Im sure this figure can only be achieved with daily motivation but nevertheless, he probably gets a healthy sum of money for each ECourse sold, another example of yet another income stream.

Now you can see how these very savvy people realise the importance of diversifying income, so maybe you should give it a go too. Try signing up at Text Link Ads and you could also benefit from their affiliate program like I am! As you develop more and more ways of earning money, you will find that having a bad Adsense day won’t feel like such a bummer.

I’m Adnan, a young entrepreneur from the UK. I started on my road to internet success a few years back when I tried to capitalize one of the many latest crazes around at the time. I made quite a bit of money, and it was at this point that I realised that the Internet was for me. Don't forget to visit me at http://www.blogtrepreneur.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adnan_E

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Fearful, Ignorant Guy Has Got A Blog On The Internet. It Must Be Easy!

by: M6.net

Of all people in the world I was easily one of the most pessimistic about computers, the Internet and now that I even know they exist-blogs. I think blogs are pretty cool but I never thought I could have one. I thought the processes of getting a site; domain name and the actual building of the blog would just be out of my league. I’m a complete novice when it comes to technology, but I do like writing a journal, and I thought having a journal on-line would be both fun and make life simpler for me. No more writing with pens, other people can read my stuff and comment on it, and I could add pictures to illustrate my points and make things look more interesting.

Well, now I’ve got one! It’s awesome. I won’t lie and say it was easy, but I think if you hook up with a good web hosting company it’s not such a daunting experience as you might expect. I got a few work mates to help me. I went through a couple administrative hitches when filling in my personal information forms for the registration-just because I’m a bit silly in the head. We had a little trouble with the blog program we used, but these challenges were eventually overcome. My boss says he’s going to make a simple program that people can hook up easily.

I chose my domain name: thepowerofeverythingthatis.com. It’s my own name-no one else on Earth can have it. I own it. I picked a nice picture out for the background-it looks really sweet, much better than a blank sheet in a diary. I got it from a site that gives photos out without charging a royalty (the first few): www.istockphoto.com.

I just want you to know the great feeling I got when I first typed in my domain name and my site came up! It was the equivalent to a person who’s afraid of heights being accepted into an astronaut’s mission into outer space. Or maybe it was like a turtle driving a Ferrari 300km per hour. Possibly it was like all the ants in the world getting together for peace talks.

It’s a real blast having this blog. I can write on it any time, anywhere, from my laptop, at an Internet cafĂ© etc. I can write as much as I want, and I’m hoping one day my writing may inspire others to communicate with me about the subjects that I’m interested in.

Look, if you like writing about anything, and want to have your thoughts and opinions on the Internet, maybe meeting others similar to yourself in the progress; you have to get a blog and get it now. Don’t be afraid any longer, the world is in the palm of your hands; it’s time to get on!


About The Author

Jesse S. Somer is a human hoping to show his fellow Earth citizens the beautiful opportunities the Internet is making available for all our lives.

M6.Net http://www.m6.net

Blog Construction

Blog Construction

by: Jesse S. Somer

Blogs like all forms of writing are an art form that takes knowledge and practice to do well.

Writing…Blogs…Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing…Writing is the process where one puts down words of a language on a format that others can read. This process has not been around very long, to use one of my writing teacher’s favorite sayings, “Writing has only existed for one day in the one year that humanity has existed.” Speaking and thinking come much easier than writing. These processes just flow out naturally like a river of consciousness; sometimes we hardly have to think about doing them. Anyone and everyone can write words down on paper but that doesn’t mean it’s ‘good writing’, myself included. Like most things in life, our society already takes writing for granted which is proving to expose more of our ignorance. Writing is a new form of expression, and if we want to do it in a way that the masses can connect with our ideas, we have to think much more simply and clearly about this art.

Now that was quite a big paragraph, you’ve got to wonder if I really needed to say as much as I just did to introduce this article on the best way to write your blogs on the Web. I didn’t even mention this main idea, and that’s what an introduction paragraph is meant to be for. This is a common mistake in many blogs out there. We try to get too many ideas across in one paragraph, sometimes even in one sentence! The key, as in all things in life-is to keep it simple. Simplicity means that readers won’t get confused about what your journal entry is actually about. Introduce your main general topic at the start, and use the subsequent paragraphs to discuss separate ideas that relate to this topic. Try to tie everything up in the concluding paragraph, your main argument and the reason why you’ve written in the first place.

Grammar and sentence construction are not easy systems to master, especially if you come from a school system that spent more time telling you about historical battles and quadratic equations than on how to read and write. This is a real problem. When we speak we can get messages across to others easily, but if we put these words down on paper, the writing just isn’t interesting and doesn’t connect with people’s curiosities and fascination. When you write you are not talking to a close friend. You can’t use slang and colloquialisms that only your local community can understand. The aim is to connect with all the people in the world, so let’s make it crystal clear and enjoyable to read.

Your computer has spelling and grammar checks, as well as access to a thesaurus. Use them, but remember that the machine can’t decipher all the intricacies of language. Language is a world in itself, and much of its territories are undiscovered by the masses. So, again keep it simple. Short, precise sentences with single ideas are great. Many words in the English language have the same meanings (synonyms). Use the thesaurus so you don’t repeat the same word over and over throughout the text. It keeps the story fresh and doesn’t turn the reader off. There’s nothing more boring than repetition. Using different words can be a lot of fun and a learning experience, just make sure you use a dictionary (also on the computer/Internet) to make absolute sure of the word’s definition.

Readability…Simplicity…Make your blog accessible by all people. You can even take into consideration that many readers will have learned English as a second language. As I’ve said in previous articles, keep to the point-don’t go on tangents. Stick with the article’s topic, and definitely stay within the realms of your blog’s main area. If your blog is entitled “Jazz music”, people who go there don’t want to hear about how your football team won on the weekend! Please be consistent. How irritating is it to visit a blog that hasn’t been written on in months or years?

I hope these little tips will help you on your quest to producing ‘good’ writing that brings new friends and acquaintances of similar outlooks into your world. If you want people to read, the aim is to produce an emotional reaction in your reader. Pretend you are writing to another form of yourself, if it were not readable, interesting and fun…would you stick around?


About The Author

Jesse S. Somer is a ‘grasshopper’ writer attempting to inform other beginner writers on how they might one day become masters or ‘sensei’s’.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
By Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff
You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go by, you keep publishing, but no one comments and your traffic stats are barely registering. What do you do?

Like any website you own, you must do some blog promotion to start driving traffic to your site. Here are 16 steps, in no particular order of importance, that you can start doing now to get traffic moving to your blog.

1. Set up a Bloglet subscription form on your blog and invite everyone in your network to subscribe: family, friends, colleagues, clients, associates.


2. Set up a feed on MyYahoo.com so your site gets regularly spidered by the Yahoo search engine (see tutorial on http://www.biztipsblog.com)


3. Read and comment on other blogs that are in your target niche. Don't write things like "nice blog" or "great post." Write intelligent, useful comments with a link to your blog.

4. Use Ping-0-matic to ping blog directories. Do this every time you publish.


5. Submit your blog to traditional search engines: http://www.submitfire.com

6. Submit your blog to blog directories. The most comprehensive list of directories is on this site:


Tip: Create a form to track your submissions; this can take several hours when you first start so schedule an hour a day for submitting or hire a VA to do it for you.

7. Add a link to your blog in your email signature file.

8. Put a link to your blog on every page of your website.

9. If you publish a newsletter, make sure you have a link to your blog in every issue.

10. Include a link to your blog as a standard part of all outgoing correspondence such as autoresponder sequences, sales letters, reports, white papers, etc.

11. Print your blog URL on your business cards, brochures and flyers.

12. Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to. The acronym RSS means Rich Site Summary, or some may consider its meaning as Really Simple Syndication. It is a document type that lists updates of websites or blogs available for syndication. These RSS documents (also known as 'feeds') may be read using aggregators (news readers). RSS feeds may show headlines only or both headlines and summaries.

To learn how news aggregators/RSS readers work, see this site: http://www.rss-specifications.com/rss-readers.htm

13. Post often to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other blogs, articles and websites in your posts

14. Use Trackback links when you quote or refer to other blog posts. What is TrackBack? Essentially what this does is send a message from one server to another server letting it know you have posted a reference to their post. The beauty is that a link to your blog is now included on their site.

15. Write articles to post around the web in article directories. Include a link to your blog in the author info box (See example in our signature below).

16. Make a commitment to blog everyday. 10 minutes a day can help increase your traffic as new content attracts search engine spiders. Put it on your calendar as a task every day at the same time.

Tip: Use a hit counter to track your visitor stats: how many unique visitors, how many page views, average length of visit. You can get a free hit counter at http://www.sitemeter.com

Denise Wakeman of Next Level Partnership, and Patsi Krakoff of Customized Newsletter Services, have teamed up to create blogging classes and marketing services for independent professionals. You can read and subscribe to their blogs at http://www.biztipsblog.com, http://www.coachezines.com and http://www.bizbooknuggets.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Denise_Wakeman

Make Money with Your Own Blog

Make Money with Your Own Blog
By Joan Masterson
Well, basically, setting up a blog means that you are creating a little space of your own on the Internet where you can make posts about anything that interests you. Of course, if you are going to be blogging on a variety of topics, the best way to make money with it would be to have different blogs for different topics otherwise your blog will be just one big jumbled mess that nobody would want to read about.

So what topics should you blog on? Well, I would suggest blogging about your own interests or favourite hobbies. There are always people out there who could learn from your specific experience.

Let's say for instance your favourite passion is your love for dogs. You could blog about anything pertaining to dogs. Do you know how to potty train a dog in a week? Lots of people would love to know how to get their dogs not to do their potty work inside the house :) Or do you have a recipe for a dog biscuit that your dog absolutely adores? There are lots of people who absolutely adore their dogs - I am one! And they do a lot of searches on the topics of dogs, cats, puppies, kittens etc. So why not make some money out of sharing your own knowledge to help those people? Share your tips with them and they will just love you for it!

So, how would you make money out of having a blog even if you don't have a product to sell? One word: Adsense. Adsense is a program offered by Google that pays webmasters and blog owners to display Google ads called Adwords on their sites, and if you have a blog that gets many visitors, they will click on the ads which means that you will earn money from it. To learn more about how to apply for and start using Adsense on your own site, visit : Google Ads

Some tips before you apply for the Adsense program:

1. You have to have an existing blog or an existing site.

2. Your website has to have at least 10-15 pages of relevant content. If you have a blog that you want to apply adsense to, you have to have at least 5 or more posts on your blog.

3. Your blog or site must have a clean, easy to use interface. No under construction pages or broken links, or too many animated gifs, or pop ups.

4. You don't have to have a professionally designed website or blog. The simpler your site is the better for the search engines to spider, and the better it will be for your visitors to navigate.

How to get a blog? You can either have blog that you can host at your own website, like Wordpress Wordpress is an easy to set up php script that is free for download.

Alternatively, you could use any of the free blog services like: Blogger to set up a blog that will be hosted on their server.

So to recap: Select a topic that you would like to blog about, set up a blog, make a couple of posts a day on your blog, wait about 5 days, then apply for the Google Adsense program.

Once you have been approved for Adsense, you should submit your blog or website to the major search engines. If you don't know the major search engines, do a search for "free website submission". You will find that there are a lot of sites that will allow you to use their services for free to submit your site or blog to various search engines.

Their are various blog directories that you should also list your blog with. Once again, do a search for blog directories, and submit your site to all the the ones that you can find.

Tell others about your blog, your family and friends etc. Ask them to tell others about your blog. That way you will start getting instant traffic. Just a word of caution: do NOT ask family and friends to click on your adsense ads, and under no circumstances should you click on any of the ads yourself - that is a sure fire way of getting banned by Google and you will have lost a valuable income source!

Now that you know how to start your own blog, you have no excuse not to make money online! Happy blogging!

Joan Masterson is the owner of http://www.womenatwork.co.za - and http://www.set-4-success.com - sites that offer free work at home resources and information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Masterson

How To Launch A Successful Blog For Your Internet Marketing Business

How To Launch A Successful Blog For Your Internet Marketing Business
By Shon Christopher
In internet marketing it is no secret that a blog can increase the amount of traffic you generate to your website. Having a successful blog can be one of the most accommodating marketing tools you will find for your internet marketing business once you get into it. The key is launching a high traffic blog, which will in turn generate more traffic to your website.

When starting a blog for your internet marketing business you want to focus on one theme, or one keyword, just like you do for your website. Obviously there are other forms of the keyword that can be used that are along the same basis, but it is important to stay with one theme as oppose to jumping all over the map.

The next step is determining how you will generate the traffic to your blog. The best way to generate traffic to your new blog for your internet marketing business is through article use. Writing articles is beneficial in a number of ways from the content to the title and even to the resource box. With each article you can include your keywords that you chose to focus on and throw them into your article title and content. You can then include a resource box on the bottom of the article to help promote your blog.

After you have gotten your blog up and running for a little bit you want to keep an eye on your stats just like everything else in internet marketing. You will begin to find where you are generating the most traffic from and you can begin focusing on that area and promoting that more. This will help you prioritize your time and help you avoid wasting time in areas that are not creating any traffic for your internet marketing business blog.

One of the most important things to remember to do is continuously add fresh content. If you simply add a couple new things a month, people will lose interest and not care to read the same thing they found on someone else’s blog a few weeks ago. Give people new and creative content that will keep them interested in your internet marketing business. This will entertain them and force them to return to see what you have added the next week or so.

Starting a blog that is successful enough to drive traffic to your internet marketing business is a lot of work, but if you can get it going it is easy to maintain. Just by adding a few new things a week you will continue to drive traffic to your blog and website. If you are willing to put in the effort, you will be off and running with one of the most effective internet marketing tools out there.

Shon Christopher's making money website will provide you with the tools needed to boost your internet income in no time. With various secrets and tips, you will find informational articles and more to help you become a successful internet marketer. Go here to find more:


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shon_Christopher

High Earnings for Low Traffic Blog

High Earnings for Low Traffic Blog
By Tengku Nuruddeen

Getting traffic to your blog is not easy. Some blog owners have a problem getting traffic to their blog but still get a lot of AdSense revenue. How they did that? What secrets did they use?

Well actually it is not actually a secret. It’s a lot more common sense. This is the power of leverage. If you are weak on a certain aspect (your traffic for example), you use other things to make you stronger. There are two ways to get high earnings even tough you have a very low traffic blog. Get more clicks or increase the price of each click.

Well there are many ways to get more clicks. Many experts believed that by blending the color of your AdSense ad with the color of your web site, you will get more clicks. This is technically true because people will neglect something that looks like a banner. If your Google AdSense ad is highly visible, people will mistaken your AdSense ad for a banner and ends up neglecting it.

You must know that each ad in your Google AdSense has a different price for each click. Each time people click on your AdSense add, you will be paid regarding to the price of the ad. So you must be thinking, how do you get a high paying ad?

You can get a high paying ad by focusing on a high paying niche. The high paying niche (like the experts said; web hosting, loan and others) will give you better revenue (sometimes even $100 per click) therefore, you don’t need a lot of traffic to give you high revenue.

Good luck!!!

Nuruddeen is the owner of AdSenseJunky. A blog dedicated to all internet marketers who wants to increase their AdSense profits. In this blog you will learn tips, tricks and guide on how to increase your AdSense revenue. All free of charge!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tengku_NuruddeenHigh Earnings for Low Traffic Blog
By Tengku Nuruddeen