Splogs and a Side of Spam
By Christian Del Monte
If your online, you probably already know what spam is. From Viagra to online gambling, it seems like our e-mail boxes are stuffed with unwanted solicitations everyday. But there's a new kid on the block and its name is Splog. In case your not familiar with the term, Splogs in essence is a Blog that offers real no resource other than trying to trick its visitors into clicking on advertisements or sending traffic to affiliate sites. So why should you care you might ask?
We'll if you use a search engine, the chances are that you've come across a splog or two in your innocent searches. Search results end up tainted because the splogger has a basic understanding on how to make his site come up for your search request. Don't be fooled though, this Blog has little to offer in the way of solving your search request. Typically, content consists of articles, press releases, or marketing mumbo-jumbo that wasn't written by its respectful owner splattered with advertisements for you to click on. So ask yourself this: What's worse? Deleting a spam e-mail or stumbling on a Website that tricks you into thinking it has something useful to offer that you asked for?
Because starting a Blog is free, such as the case with Blogger.com, anyone with an e-mail address and a computer can start a mirad of Splogs with little or no effort. Add that to a revenue sharing program like Google's Adsense and you got yourself a no cost home based business other than your Internet connection.
But don't the search engines care about splogs? You'd like to think so...but no. The reason is simple. More real estate (content) for searches means more revenue opportunity. Plus, most sploggers use search engine advertising to monetize their Splog. So it's a never-ending circle of revenue growth for the search engines. Win-lose, you might say!
Splogs have given birth to its own followings such as Splogspot.com, a search engine dedicated to just searching Splogs. Then there are the opponents such as Splog Fighter that combat Splogs by looking for policy violations and alerting their originating source. However, whether you like it or not, it's becoming a real problem and needs your help.
How to Spot and Avoid
Spotting a Splog can be difficult. However, since we run a Spam free Blog directory and receive hundreds of Splog-like submissions, here are a couple of tell-tale signs of a Splog:
1. Has little or few Blog posts. (one or two months in the archive and are not current)
2. Posts consist of one to two sentences.
3. Majority of the Blog posts are not written by its author. (The source is quoted, but its not by the original author)
4. "Edit me" appears in the left or right column.
5. No "about us" or "about me" page to be found.
6. Advertising seems overly excessive and more emphasis seems to be placed on ads than content.
7. Overall language promotes how to make money with little or no effort.
Although the above list is in no way all-inclusive, it at least points out some shortcomings of common Splog symptoms. If your not sure whether it's a slog or not, the best course of action is to avoid it and not click any of its tempting ads. With your help, we can send a message to the search engines that Splogs will not be tolerated by the masses!
Christian Del Monte: creator of iBlogMarketing.com and Director of Operations for TMA E-Marketing has a B.S. degree in Marketing from Minnesota State University, Mankato. In addition, Christian has over 10 years in personal sales experience and has directed the operations for TMA for the last 4 years.
He has directed and worked on Internet marketing projects for mid to large-scale clients including several fortune 500 companies. Christian continues to head up the operations for TMA as well as lead research and development on vertical search markets and business blogging.
Friday, November 24, 2006
How To Create, Promote And Earn Money From Your Own Blog
How To Create, Promote And Earn Money From Your Own Blog
By Andrey Yakimov
For starters, what is a blog? In general terms, it is a sort of interactive, regularly updated online journal. A blog owner is called a blogger, the activity of keeping a blog is called blogging, and the blogging community and everything related to blogging is collectively known as the blogosphere.
How are blogs created? There are several options. The cost-free way is to start a blog at one of the countless free blog services, such as the Google service called blogger. Another option is to use one of the free blog scripts and install it at a paid or free hosting service. Such free blog scripts are also numerous, the most popular of them being wordpress. It is also possible to sign up for a paid hosting service with an already installed wordpress blog, but this service is somewhat costlier.
Now let's assume that we already have a blog. The next question is: Where do we get content? Choose the subject for your blog. It may be your professional occupation or hobby. In any case, you must have solid knowledge of the subject. For instance, if you are a proctologist, you may write about hemorrhoids, their treatment, prevention and suchlike as long as these are not scientific articles, but materials written in layman's language. To give you a more practical example, if your hobby is dogs, write about them and people will enjoy it. There is another way to get content. The web has many services offering free articles. All you have to do is select the most interesting ones and publish them. In this way you can quickly fill your blog with content.
Moving on to the question of promoting your blog, it is worth noting that blogs are better indexed by search engines than ordinary web sites due to the specifics of the algorithm used in blogs. For instance, a new article in a well-promoted blog may appear on the search engine results page already on the following day. Of course, this requires registration in special catalogs devoted to blogs, which is what you will do next. Another way is to publish articles with a link to your blog. There are also services meant for just this purpose.
But most importantly, a search engine needs external links to your blog from other web sites. These should be good links generating heavy traffic. What does it mean? It means that ideally the link should be on the web site's main page. What's more, this page should have a PR rating of at least 4 (PR or Google Page Rank reflects the significance of any particular web page). Five or six such links will do more than hundreds of other ordinary links. How can you get such links? There are also various options. For instance, you can find a resource thematically related to your blog and offer its owners to reciprocate links. Finally, you can buy such links. The higher the web site's PR rating, the more such links will cost you.
Now let's move on to the question of how you can earn money from your own blog. The scheme is quite simple: traffic is converted into money. Your income increases proportionately with the traffic volume. One way to earn from a blog is to place ads, which is done most often through google adwords. Another way is to participate in partnership programs associated with the subject of your blog. So if your blog is devoted to dogs, you should advertise flea control products and other dog-related merchandise. A third way is to sell your own merchandise or services. Of course, you can combine several ways of generating income in a single blog. Last but not least, remember that strength is in numbers, which is why it's a good idea to maintain several resources at the same time.
For more information on how to create, promote and earn money from your own blog visit Articleswww.com and Portator.com
By Andrey Yakimov
For starters, what is a blog? In general terms, it is a sort of interactive, regularly updated online journal. A blog owner is called a blogger, the activity of keeping a blog is called blogging, and the blogging community and everything related to blogging is collectively known as the blogosphere.
How are blogs created? There are several options. The cost-free way is to start a blog at one of the countless free blog services, such as the Google service called blogger. Another option is to use one of the free blog scripts and install it at a paid or free hosting service. Such free blog scripts are also numerous, the most popular of them being wordpress. It is also possible to sign up for a paid hosting service with an already installed wordpress blog, but this service is somewhat costlier.
Now let's assume that we already have a blog. The next question is: Where do we get content? Choose the subject for your blog. It may be your professional occupation or hobby. In any case, you must have solid knowledge of the subject. For instance, if you are a proctologist, you may write about hemorrhoids, their treatment, prevention and suchlike as long as these are not scientific articles, but materials written in layman's language. To give you a more practical example, if your hobby is dogs, write about them and people will enjoy it. There is another way to get content. The web has many services offering free articles. All you have to do is select the most interesting ones and publish them. In this way you can quickly fill your blog with content.
Moving on to the question of promoting your blog, it is worth noting that blogs are better indexed by search engines than ordinary web sites due to the specifics of the algorithm used in blogs. For instance, a new article in a well-promoted blog may appear on the search engine results page already on the following day. Of course, this requires registration in special catalogs devoted to blogs, which is what you will do next. Another way is to publish articles with a link to your blog. There are also services meant for just this purpose.
But most importantly, a search engine needs external links to your blog from other web sites. These should be good links generating heavy traffic. What does it mean? It means that ideally the link should be on the web site's main page. What's more, this page should have a PR rating of at least 4 (PR or Google Page Rank reflects the significance of any particular web page). Five or six such links will do more than hundreds of other ordinary links. How can you get such links? There are also various options. For instance, you can find a resource thematically related to your blog and offer its owners to reciprocate links. Finally, you can buy such links. The higher the web site's PR rating, the more such links will cost you.
Now let's move on to the question of how you can earn money from your own blog. The scheme is quite simple: traffic is converted into money. Your income increases proportionately with the traffic volume. One way to earn from a blog is to place ads, which is done most often through google adwords. Another way is to participate in partnership programs associated with the subject of your blog. So if your blog is devoted to dogs, you should advertise flea control products and other dog-related merchandise. A third way is to sell your own merchandise or services. Of course, you can combine several ways of generating income in a single blog. Last but not least, remember that strength is in numbers, which is why it's a good idea to maintain several resources at the same time.
For more information on how to create, promote and earn money from your own blog visit Articleswww.com and Portator.com
Increase Affiliate Marketing Profits With Blogging
Increase Affiliate Marketing Profits With Blogging
By Anik K. Singal
Do you think it's true that blogging is one of the best ways to make money these days?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how you put your blog together.
The personal aspect of blogging makes it much easier for readers to consider you as their friend. You should write a blog post like you are actually talking to a person. Give real advice and a lot of information. This way, the people who read your blog become your “friends” and return over and over for continued advice.
Unfortunately, you can’t just stop at blogging! If you want to make money at it, you still need to treat it like a separate part of your business.
Here are a few things you might want to consider adding to your arsenal of blogging tools.
Always remember to include the basics: Put Google AdSense ads on your sidebar; include affiliate links inside your content; and randomly include an affiliate banner or two at the end of your posts.
The most important thing, and the one that is most overlooked, is to find other blogs that are similar to yours and leave comments. Most bloggers love it when people comment on their blog. It shows them that somebody is reading what they write and is interested in the subject.
Informative comments serve two purposes. The blog owner, as well as the reader, may click through to your site and begin reading your blog. By adding comments that include your web-site address, your post gets an incoming link to your web site or blog. That helps you get more search engine traffic.
Be careful when posting comments. Don’t just post a sentence and then add your link. People catch on to this pretty quick and no one will click on the link if they think your comment is useless. Also, if the blog is moderated; your post might be deleted before anyone gets to read it.
For most people, blogging takes some time to become profitable. People will continue reading your blog, they will send their friends to it, and eventually you will get more people linking to you. Ultimately, that helps lead to good rankings.
You can also use trackbacks when blogging. The best-case scenario is that another blog owner will reference your blog in their articles; and then use the trackback function to link to your blog.
Be sure to put a form on your blog that lets people sign up for a newsletter. As more people start reading your blog, and more people link to it, you will start seeing profits from your affiliate links and adsense ads. And, you will make more income from the information you send in the newsletters as you increase your subscriber base. Do you think it's true that blogging is one of the best ways to make money these days?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how you put your blog together.
The personal aspect of blogging makes it much easier for readers to consider you as their friend. You should write a blog post like you are actually talking to a person. Give real advice and a lot of information. This way, the people who read your blog become your “friends” and return over and over for continued advice.
Unfortunately, you can’t just stop at blogging! If you want to make money at it, you still need to treat it like a separate part of your business.
Here are a few things you might want to consider adding to your arsenal of blogging tools.
Always remember to include the basics: Put Google AdSense ads on your sidebar; include affiliate links inside your content; and randomly include an affiliate banner or two at the end of your posts.
The most important thing, and the one that is most overlooked, is to find other blogs that are similar to yours and leave comments. Most bloggers love it when people comment on their blog. It shows them that somebody is reading what they write and is interested in the subject.
Informative comments serve two purposes. The blog owner, as well as the reader, may click through to your site and begin reading your blog. By adding comments that include your web-site address, your post gets an incoming link to your web site or blog. That helps you get more search engine traffic.
Be careful when posting comments. Don’t just post a sentence and then add your link. People catch on to this pretty quick and no one will click on the link if they think your comment is useless. Also, if the blog is moderated; your post might be deleted before anyone gets to read it.
For most people, blogging takes some time to become profitable. People will continue reading your blog, they will send their friends to it, and eventually you will get more people linking to you. Ultimately, that helps lead to good rankings.
You can also use trackbacks when blogging. The best-case scenario is that another blog owner will reference your blog in their articles; and then use the trackback function to link to your blog.
Be sure to put a form on your blog that lets people sign up for a newsletter. As more people start reading your blog, and more people link to it, you will start seeing profits from your affiliate links and adsense ads. And, you will make more income from the information you send in the newsletters as you increase your subscriber base.
Anik Singal is an Internet Entrepreneur and expert in affiliate marketing, including the latest web traffic tactics. For a free course that explains how he earned $10,466 in just 60 days using proven marketing principles, visit http://www.affiliateclassroom.com/free-course.html
By Anik K. Singal
Do you think it's true that blogging is one of the best ways to make money these days?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how you put your blog together.
The personal aspect of blogging makes it much easier for readers to consider you as their friend. You should write a blog post like you are actually talking to a person. Give real advice and a lot of information. This way, the people who read your blog become your “friends” and return over and over for continued advice.
Unfortunately, you can’t just stop at blogging! If you want to make money at it, you still need to treat it like a separate part of your business.
Here are a few things you might want to consider adding to your arsenal of blogging tools.
Always remember to include the basics: Put Google AdSense ads on your sidebar; include affiliate links inside your content; and randomly include an affiliate banner or two at the end of your posts.
The most important thing, and the one that is most overlooked, is to find other blogs that are similar to yours and leave comments. Most bloggers love it when people comment on their blog. It shows them that somebody is reading what they write and is interested in the subject.
Informative comments serve two purposes. The blog owner, as well as the reader, may click through to your site and begin reading your blog. By adding comments that include your web-site address, your post gets an incoming link to your web site or blog. That helps you get more search engine traffic.
Be careful when posting comments. Don’t just post a sentence and then add your link. People catch on to this pretty quick and no one will click on the link if they think your comment is useless. Also, if the blog is moderated; your post might be deleted before anyone gets to read it.
For most people, blogging takes some time to become profitable. People will continue reading your blog, they will send their friends to it, and eventually you will get more people linking to you. Ultimately, that helps lead to good rankings.
You can also use trackbacks when blogging. The best-case scenario is that another blog owner will reference your blog in their articles; and then use the trackback function to link to your blog.
Be sure to put a form on your blog that lets people sign up for a newsletter. As more people start reading your blog, and more people link to it, you will start seeing profits from your affiliate links and adsense ads. And, you will make more income from the information you send in the newsletters as you increase your subscriber base. Do you think it's true that blogging is one of the best ways to make money these days?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how you put your blog together.
The personal aspect of blogging makes it much easier for readers to consider you as their friend. You should write a blog post like you are actually talking to a person. Give real advice and a lot of information. This way, the people who read your blog become your “friends” and return over and over for continued advice.
Unfortunately, you can’t just stop at blogging! If you want to make money at it, you still need to treat it like a separate part of your business.
Here are a few things you might want to consider adding to your arsenal of blogging tools.
Always remember to include the basics: Put Google AdSense ads on your sidebar; include affiliate links inside your content; and randomly include an affiliate banner or two at the end of your posts.
The most important thing, and the one that is most overlooked, is to find other blogs that are similar to yours and leave comments. Most bloggers love it when people comment on their blog. It shows them that somebody is reading what they write and is interested in the subject.
Informative comments serve two purposes. The blog owner, as well as the reader, may click through to your site and begin reading your blog. By adding comments that include your web-site address, your post gets an incoming link to your web site or blog. That helps you get more search engine traffic.
Be careful when posting comments. Don’t just post a sentence and then add your link. People catch on to this pretty quick and no one will click on the link if they think your comment is useless. Also, if the blog is moderated; your post might be deleted before anyone gets to read it.
For most people, blogging takes some time to become profitable. People will continue reading your blog, they will send their friends to it, and eventually you will get more people linking to you. Ultimately, that helps lead to good rankings.
You can also use trackbacks when blogging. The best-case scenario is that another blog owner will reference your blog in their articles; and then use the trackback function to link to your blog.
Be sure to put a form on your blog that lets people sign up for a newsletter. As more people start reading your blog, and more people link to it, you will start seeing profits from your affiliate links and adsense ads. And, you will make more income from the information you send in the newsletters as you increase your subscriber base.
Anik Singal is an Internet Entrepreneur and expert in affiliate marketing, including the latest web traffic tactics. For a free course that explains how he earned $10,466 in just 60 days using proven marketing principles, visit http://www.affiliateclassroom.com/free-course.html
Optimise Your Blog Traffic and Earn More Money
Optimise Your Blog Traffic and Earn More Money
By Leanne Williams
When blogging first came to prominence it was little more than a glorified – and public – online journal for many people. However, with its great increase in popularity, it has now become a popular way of making money via the use of affiliate links and advertising programmes such as Google Adsense. If you are considering trying your hand at earning money from blogs, or if you already have a blog set up, it is crucial that you know how to make it a success.
Produce a good quality blog
First of all, it is imperative that you are providing quality content. Make sure you know your subject well so that you can produce a blog which is informative and well written. If you are enthusiastic about your chosen subject, so much the better, as you will know what your target audience are interested in and can tailor a blog suited around those wants or needs.
If you have set up a blog purely as a potential get rich quick scheme and have not invested the necessary time and effort into researching your topic, it will show in your blog. Unless your blog is targeted at a particularly narrow niche there are likely to be hundreds of other blogs competing with yours for traffic, so if you have produced a poor quality site people will have no hesitation about going elsewhere. They certainly won’t be staying long enough to take a look at your affiliate links or click on any adverts.
Update your blog regularly
If you have produced a good quality blog you should receive a steady stream of interested visitors and be earning a little money. However, the bloggers you are probably aspiring to – those who are earning 6 figure incomes from their sites – are earning good money because they are constantly building on their success by constantly adding fresh content, maybe even as frequently as several times a day.
It is in your best interest to keep your target audience hooked, and returning to visit your pages again and again. A regular reader is much more likely to tell people about your blog or link to it from their own sites, and in the long term this is going to be very beneficial to driving up your traffic.
There is a second way in which regular blogging can greatly increase your traffic. There are sites specifically dedicated to bloggers announcing the new addition of content to their sites. Post a link to your new blog entry every time you add new content as when the search engines trawl the internet these links will help speed up the indexing of your pages. Services such as pingomatic.com can help you do this automatically.
Use of keywords
Keep in mind what keywords are likely to draw people to your blog. Within the text, some keywords are going to be given more value than others by the search engines, such as those included in the header, bold text, or those used for hot links. The more emphasis given to the targeted keywords on your blog, the better your search engine ranking will be.
However, try to find a balance between your use of keywords and providing quality content. Over use of keywords can mean the quality of your blog suffers as the text may not ‘flow’ so well. It is also worth noting that if the keyword density is much more than 5% some search engines may regard your blog as potential ‘spam’, and your engine ranking will suffer.
Blog Directories
Seek out blog directories such as blogwise.com and bloghub.com. As well as increasing the number of back links to your sites (thus raising your search engine ranking) you will also be taking advantage of the fact that many people searching for blogs do so through these directories rather than using search engines. This is particularly beneficial if your blog is still fairly new and not particularly prominent on the search engines yet.
Building a succesful blog takes time. Do not be discouraged if it does not immediately attract good traffic as this will come with time and perseverance. Your efforts will eventually be rewarded and with an increase in traffic will come great money making potential.
Leanne has had several articles published on the subject of making money.
By Leanne Williams
When blogging first came to prominence it was little more than a glorified – and public – online journal for many people. However, with its great increase in popularity, it has now become a popular way of making money via the use of affiliate links and advertising programmes such as Google Adsense. If you are considering trying your hand at earning money from blogs, or if you already have a blog set up, it is crucial that you know how to make it a success.
Produce a good quality blog
First of all, it is imperative that you are providing quality content. Make sure you know your subject well so that you can produce a blog which is informative and well written. If you are enthusiastic about your chosen subject, so much the better, as you will know what your target audience are interested in and can tailor a blog suited around those wants or needs.
If you have set up a blog purely as a potential get rich quick scheme and have not invested the necessary time and effort into researching your topic, it will show in your blog. Unless your blog is targeted at a particularly narrow niche there are likely to be hundreds of other blogs competing with yours for traffic, so if you have produced a poor quality site people will have no hesitation about going elsewhere. They certainly won’t be staying long enough to take a look at your affiliate links or click on any adverts.
Update your blog regularly
If you have produced a good quality blog you should receive a steady stream of interested visitors and be earning a little money. However, the bloggers you are probably aspiring to – those who are earning 6 figure incomes from their sites – are earning good money because they are constantly building on their success by constantly adding fresh content, maybe even as frequently as several times a day.
It is in your best interest to keep your target audience hooked, and returning to visit your pages again and again. A regular reader is much more likely to tell people about your blog or link to it from their own sites, and in the long term this is going to be very beneficial to driving up your traffic.
There is a second way in which regular blogging can greatly increase your traffic. There are sites specifically dedicated to bloggers announcing the new addition of content to their sites. Post a link to your new blog entry every time you add new content as when the search engines trawl the internet these links will help speed up the indexing of your pages. Services such as pingomatic.com can help you do this automatically.
Use of keywords
Keep in mind what keywords are likely to draw people to your blog. Within the text, some keywords are going to be given more value than others by the search engines, such as those included in the header, bold text, or those used for hot links. The more emphasis given to the targeted keywords on your blog, the better your search engine ranking will be.
However, try to find a balance between your use of keywords and providing quality content. Over use of keywords can mean the quality of your blog suffers as the text may not ‘flow’ so well. It is also worth noting that if the keyword density is much more than 5% some search engines may regard your blog as potential ‘spam’, and your engine ranking will suffer.
Blog Directories
Seek out blog directories such as blogwise.com and bloghub.com. As well as increasing the number of back links to your sites (thus raising your search engine ranking) you will also be taking advantage of the fact that many people searching for blogs do so through these directories rather than using search engines. This is particularly beneficial if your blog is still fairly new and not particularly prominent on the search engines yet.
Building a succesful blog takes time. Do not be discouraged if it does not immediately attract good traffic as this will come with time and perseverance. Your efforts will eventually be rewarded and with an increase in traffic will come great money making potential.
Leanne has had several articles published on the subject of making money.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Viral Internet Marketing
Multiple income stream strategy that will help you bring in an income from potentially hundreds of different sources. Additionally acts as an online HelpDesk, which you can brand with your own ID's.
Multiple income stream strategy that will help you bring in an income from potentially hundreds of different sources. Additionally acts as an online HelpDesk, which you can brand with your own ID's.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Blogs - Tips to Increase Business Awareness and Profits
Blogs - Tips to Increase Business Awareness and Profits
By John Sullivan
The use of blogs as part of an Internet business is now regarded as one of the best ways to help promote websites. Blogs are seen from the search engine point of view as important as they are normally updated on a regular basis.
The best way to start using blogs is to focus on one niche for each blog and then to write good content on a regular basis. Once you have a reputation on a particular subject you will receive visitors wanting to read the latest posts.
Try to write informative and helpful posts that will keep visitors returning. It is a good idea to write a snippet (a short version of an article) for example with a link to the full article.
There are many sites to help promote blogs that will bring traffic to your blogs. It is normally a good way of getting targeted traffic to your other websites by linking from blogs.
Search engines like blogs because they offer updated or new content that is useful to their visitors.
Whereas normal websites use keywords as a means of getting visitors. Search engines will display their results based on the keyword phrases entered and then show the most relevant pages that have those keywords in their content.
The advantage with blogs is that it is possible to use tags for posts. Tags operate in a similar way to keywords. For example if a post is made about home theater screens, then if it is posted using that tag then anyone searching on the various sites that use tags will find that post.
The big advantage to this method is that for each tag that the sites like Technorati for example will show the posts with the newest one at the top of the results shown.
So if using a very popular tag or subject then this can be a way of getting a lot of traffic.
It is also possible to receive news of the latest posts from blogs by using RSS feeds, which notifies anyone who adds your feed to their sites. This is a great way to get traffic back to your sites.
Another benefit of using blogs is that visitors can leave a message to posts made. This is a good way to interact with your visitors and can build on a good business relationship.
This is a good way to find what visitors think of your site and what type of information they may be looking for.
When you offer good content that is updated often, then visitors will also start to link to your blogs which apart from giving a feel good factor will help with search engine results.
If people start linking from high Google PR sites then this will really make a big difference in the search engines as this is regarded as an important and relevant site.
It is usually difficult to get many links from high PR sites for new sites but add good content regularly and it will become easier.
John is the owner of 1st Make Money Online, and has spent several years studying the best methods for success online. Blogs
By John Sullivan
The use of blogs as part of an Internet business is now regarded as one of the best ways to help promote websites. Blogs are seen from the search engine point of view as important as they are normally updated on a regular basis.
The best way to start using blogs is to focus on one niche for each blog and then to write good content on a regular basis. Once you have a reputation on a particular subject you will receive visitors wanting to read the latest posts.
Try to write informative and helpful posts that will keep visitors returning. It is a good idea to write a snippet (a short version of an article) for example with a link to the full article.
There are many sites to help promote blogs that will bring traffic to your blogs. It is normally a good way of getting targeted traffic to your other websites by linking from blogs.
Search engines like blogs because they offer updated or new content that is useful to their visitors.
Whereas normal websites use keywords as a means of getting visitors. Search engines will display their results based on the keyword phrases entered and then show the most relevant pages that have those keywords in their content.
The advantage with blogs is that it is possible to use tags for posts. Tags operate in a similar way to keywords. For example if a post is made about home theater screens, then if it is posted using that tag then anyone searching on the various sites that use tags will find that post.
The big advantage to this method is that for each tag that the sites like Technorati for example will show the posts with the newest one at the top of the results shown.
So if using a very popular tag or subject then this can be a way of getting a lot of traffic.
It is also possible to receive news of the latest posts from blogs by using RSS feeds, which notifies anyone who adds your feed to their sites. This is a great way to get traffic back to your sites.
Another benefit of using blogs is that visitors can leave a message to posts made. This is a good way to interact with your visitors and can build on a good business relationship.
This is a good way to find what visitors think of your site and what type of information they may be looking for.
When you offer good content that is updated often, then visitors will also start to link to your blogs which apart from giving a feel good factor will help with search engine results.
If people start linking from high Google PR sites then this will really make a big difference in the search engines as this is regarded as an important and relevant site.
It is usually difficult to get many links from high PR sites for new sites but add good content regularly and it will become easier.
John is the owner of 1st Make Money Online, and has spent several years studying the best methods for success online. Blogs
The 5 Secrets of Top Bloggers
The 5 Secrets of Top Bloggers
By Michael Fleischner
Blogs are becoming more and more popular. If you don't already have a weblog of your own, you've at least posted a comment to one, read one, or heard the term used in everyday conversation.
You may also have noticed that only a small number of blogs are truly known in each industry. As is true with most major media, "the cream rises to the top". The best weblogs have a large following and are valuable sources of information for thousands of readers. There are five primary reasons why some blogs become popular and others don't.
1. Focusing on a Popular Content Area. One of the most important characteristics of a successful blog is appropriate content. In order to gain a large following your blog must cover a topical area that is broad enough to be of interest to a large number of individuals but specific enough to have meaning.
Weblogs that provide information on obscure topics can never have a sizeable audience because the topic is of limited interest. So, if you're going to start a blog of your own, make sure that your content area is broad enough to appeal to a large audience.
2. Content that's timely. The best way to keep your blog readers interested is with timely content. Your blog should cover current events, opinions, and topics. Popular weblogs often comment on current events tied to their particular subject area or industry. Not only is the content meaningful to blog readers, but it encourages them to interact with your blog posts by placing comments.
Timely content is anything that is of current interest. Your best sources for timely content include daily newspapers, magazines, Internet news sites, and industry journals. Be sure to choose timely content that can be discussed and debated. This improves the overall effectiveness of your blog posts.
3. Updated Daily. The blogs that attract the most readers are those addressing popular content areas, covering timely topics, and refreshed on a daily basis. If your weblog adds a new post everyday, then readers have a reason to return. Providing daily updates on a consistent basis helps users to develop the habit of visiting daily. Updated content builds a loyal following while encouraging word-of-mouth referrals about your posts.
4. Comments from Industry Experts. Nothing speaks with more authority than an interview with an expert. The most popular blogs integrate interviews, commentary, podcasts, and other posts that include an expert who offers their thoughts and opinions on a given topic or current event. This is an essential reason why so many people return to the most popular blogs over and over again.
If you're wondering how to recruit experts for your blog, than look to current best practices for blogging and Internet marketing, simply ask. Industry experts are always looking to share their ideas. If you can't arrange for an in-person or phone interview, email the expert a list of questions and ask for their responses.
5. Use Interactive Media and Visuals. It's difficult for blog readers to read flat, boring text day in and day out, regardless of how stimulating a topic may be. The most popular bloggers know this and have enhanced their blogs with audio, video, external links, screenshots, and more.
The best way to improve the overall popularity of your blog is to present blog content in a variety of formats. Visit other blogs and determine what type of interactivity would work best for your blog. You don't need to go overboard, just add interactive content where it makes sense to do so.
By following the lead of today's most popular blogs, your blog can thrive. Follow the blog secrets listed above for enhancing your blog and improving readership. The key is to plan your blogging activities carefully and encourage interaction with your readers. This enhances the overall effectiveness of your blog and makes for a truly great blogging experience for everyone. Happy Blogging!
Michael Fleischner is a marketing expert and the president of MarketingScoop.com. He also hosts a marketing blog that provides the latest commentary on the world of marketing. He has more than 12 years of marketing experience and had appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. Visit MarketingScoop.com to learn more.
By Michael Fleischner
Blogs are becoming more and more popular. If you don't already have a weblog of your own, you've at least posted a comment to one, read one, or heard the term used in everyday conversation.
You may also have noticed that only a small number of blogs are truly known in each industry. As is true with most major media, "the cream rises to the top". The best weblogs have a large following and are valuable sources of information for thousands of readers. There are five primary reasons why some blogs become popular and others don't.
1. Focusing on a Popular Content Area. One of the most important characteristics of a successful blog is appropriate content. In order to gain a large following your blog must cover a topical area that is broad enough to be of interest to a large number of individuals but specific enough to have meaning.
Weblogs that provide information on obscure topics can never have a sizeable audience because the topic is of limited interest. So, if you're going to start a blog of your own, make sure that your content area is broad enough to appeal to a large audience.
2. Content that's timely. The best way to keep your blog readers interested is with timely content. Your blog should cover current events, opinions, and topics. Popular weblogs often comment on current events tied to their particular subject area or industry. Not only is the content meaningful to blog readers, but it encourages them to interact with your blog posts by placing comments.
Timely content is anything that is of current interest. Your best sources for timely content include daily newspapers, magazines, Internet news sites, and industry journals. Be sure to choose timely content that can be discussed and debated. This improves the overall effectiveness of your blog posts.
3. Updated Daily. The blogs that attract the most readers are those addressing popular content areas, covering timely topics, and refreshed on a daily basis. If your weblog adds a new post everyday, then readers have a reason to return. Providing daily updates on a consistent basis helps users to develop the habit of visiting daily. Updated content builds a loyal following while encouraging word-of-mouth referrals about your posts.
4. Comments from Industry Experts. Nothing speaks with more authority than an interview with an expert. The most popular blogs integrate interviews, commentary, podcasts, and other posts that include an expert who offers their thoughts and opinions on a given topic or current event. This is an essential reason why so many people return to the most popular blogs over and over again.
If you're wondering how to recruit experts for your blog, than look to current best practices for blogging and Internet marketing, simply ask. Industry experts are always looking to share their ideas. If you can't arrange for an in-person or phone interview, email the expert a list of questions and ask for their responses.
5. Use Interactive Media and Visuals. It's difficult for blog readers to read flat, boring text day in and day out, regardless of how stimulating a topic may be. The most popular bloggers know this and have enhanced their blogs with audio, video, external links, screenshots, and more.
The best way to improve the overall popularity of your blog is to present blog content in a variety of formats. Visit other blogs and determine what type of interactivity would work best for your blog. You don't need to go overboard, just add interactive content where it makes sense to do so.
By following the lead of today's most popular blogs, your blog can thrive. Follow the blog secrets listed above for enhancing your blog and improving readership. The key is to plan your blogging activities carefully and encourage interaction with your readers. This enhances the overall effectiveness of your blog and makes for a truly great blogging experience for everyone. Happy Blogging!
Michael Fleischner is a marketing expert and the president of MarketingScoop.com. He also hosts a marketing blog that provides the latest commentary on the world of marketing. He has more than 12 years of marketing experience and had appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. Visit MarketingScoop.com to learn more.
If You Sping A Splog You Spam Ping Your Blog (Weblog)
If You Sping A Splog You Spam Ping Your Blog (Weblog)
By Tino Buntic
One of the techniques that bloggers use to announce new content on their weblog is to ping it every time they create new content or a new blog entry. A ping is a signal which is sent to a ping server to let it know that a blog has been updated and which also allows blog search engines, like Technorati, to know that there is fresh new content on your blog. One of the most popular free ping providers is pingomatic.com.
This is important to do after each post because it updates search engine databases, which, in turn, can bring more visitors to your blog (assuming that one of your goals is to have more readers of your blog). This is so because a lot of the blog search engines rank freshest (or newest) results first.
Many blogs are monetized by Google AdSense or other PPC or CPM ads and it is, therefore, in many bloggers best interest to draw as many visitors as possible to their blogs in order to earn more advertising revenue. This has led to spinging splogs. A "splog" is a "spam blog," as coined by Mark Cuban. A "sping" is a "spam ping." A sping happens when someone sends a ping even though a new post has not been created. A sping is sent to dupe blog search engines into believing your weblog posts are new and fresh even though they actually are not.
Spinging a splog is in nobody's best interest except for the spinging spammer. The internet is littered with too much spam as it is and spinging does not help the cause.
Tino Buntic invites you to receive free sales leads and free advertising by creating a TradePals professional profile at http://www.trade-pals.com. TradePals provides qualified sales leads to business professionals across The United States and Canada.
Tino enjoys reading blogs and one of his favorites is Ads Of The World.
By Tino Buntic
One of the techniques that bloggers use to announce new content on their weblog is to ping it every time they create new content or a new blog entry. A ping is a signal which is sent to a ping server to let it know that a blog has been updated and which also allows blog search engines, like Technorati, to know that there is fresh new content on your blog. One of the most popular free ping providers is pingomatic.com.
This is important to do after each post because it updates search engine databases, which, in turn, can bring more visitors to your blog (assuming that one of your goals is to have more readers of your blog). This is so because a lot of the blog search engines rank freshest (or newest) results first.
Many blogs are monetized by Google AdSense or other PPC or CPM ads and it is, therefore, in many bloggers best interest to draw as many visitors as possible to their blogs in order to earn more advertising revenue. This has led to spinging splogs. A "splog" is a "spam blog," as coined by Mark Cuban. A "sping" is a "spam ping." A sping happens when someone sends a ping even though a new post has not been created. A sping is sent to dupe blog search engines into believing your weblog posts are new and fresh even though they actually are not.
Spinging a splog is in nobody's best interest except for the spinging spammer. The internet is littered with too much spam as it is and spinging does not help the cause.
Tino Buntic invites you to receive free sales leads and free advertising by creating a TradePals professional profile at http://www.trade-pals.com. TradePals provides qualified sales leads to business professionals across The United States and Canada.
Tino enjoys reading blogs and one of his favorites is Ads Of The World.
Blog Spamming
Blog Spamming
By Kistina Robin
The phenomenal spread of the Internet all over the world has led to countless innovations and practices. In the recent years, another phenomenon has risen to the top of the things to do list on the Internet – blogging. Relatively unknown several years ago, blogging is now one of most common activities online. It is derived from the root word blog, which is actually short for web log – an online diary of sorts. Then there is spamming. Spam, in the broad sense of the word, simply means anything that is junk. E-mails and other information that is repeated and essentially irrelevant are considered spam. Put blog and spam together and you have blog spams.
What exactly is a blog spam? A blog spam is simply a blog that does not have much in form of content. A blog spam exists merely to drive traffic to certain sites. It is in fact used by many people as a SEO technique. Blog spamming is not acceptable to a wide range of sectors. With the main aim of generating traffic, blog spams do not really contribute anything relevant. They exist to provide links to their parent websites and nothing else.
How do you spam blogs? As already discussed above, blogs are normally used to publish information related to website content. Thus content is the most important thing. For blog spams, however, no such importance is placed on content. Thus blog spams may contain just about anything! To increase traffic to the parent website, blog spams are normally filled with only links or classifieds (which actually point to another site). Another aspect of spam blogging is the comment feature. Programs are created to post spam as comments in different blogs. This has become an irritant because spam posted as comments are generally unrelated to the blog topic.
Of course, many legitimate blog hosts condemn spam blogging and are coming up with ways to prevent spam blogging. One of these is through the image verification process where the person posting a comment has to enter a security code before the comment is published. Another one is trough comment moderation options made available in some blogs. Companies which host free blogs are the worst hit by blog spams. However, despite the efforts of these companies to counter blog spamming, unscrupulous individuals somehow still find ways to spam blogs. Maybe this is due largely to the fact that the Internet is a fast evolving technology, and what may work now may not do so the next day. But the best thing you can do is this: provide great content and you will find that there is no need for blog spamming.
By Kistina Robin
The phenomenal spread of the Internet all over the world has led to countless innovations and practices. In the recent years, another phenomenon has risen to the top of the things to do list on the Internet – blogging. Relatively unknown several years ago, blogging is now one of most common activities online. It is derived from the root word blog, which is actually short for web log – an online diary of sorts. Then there is spamming. Spam, in the broad sense of the word, simply means anything that is junk. E-mails and other information that is repeated and essentially irrelevant are considered spam. Put blog and spam together and you have blog spams.
What exactly is a blog spam? A blog spam is simply a blog that does not have much in form of content. A blog spam exists merely to drive traffic to certain sites. It is in fact used by many people as a SEO technique. Blog spamming is not acceptable to a wide range of sectors. With the main aim of generating traffic, blog spams do not really contribute anything relevant. They exist to provide links to their parent websites and nothing else.
How do you spam blogs? As already discussed above, blogs are normally used to publish information related to website content. Thus content is the most important thing. For blog spams, however, no such importance is placed on content. Thus blog spams may contain just about anything! To increase traffic to the parent website, blog spams are normally filled with only links or classifieds (which actually point to another site). Another aspect of spam blogging is the comment feature. Programs are created to post spam as comments in different blogs. This has become an irritant because spam posted as comments are generally unrelated to the blog topic.
Of course, many legitimate blog hosts condemn spam blogging and are coming up with ways to prevent spam blogging. One of these is through the image verification process where the person posting a comment has to enter a security code before the comment is published. Another one is trough comment moderation options made available in some blogs. Companies which host free blogs are the worst hit by blog spams. However, despite the efforts of these companies to counter blog spamming, unscrupulous individuals somehow still find ways to spam blogs. Maybe this is due largely to the fact that the Internet is a fast evolving technology, and what may work now may not do so the next day. But the best thing you can do is this: provide great content and you will find that there is no need for blog spamming.
5 Reasons to Publish an Executive Blog
5 Reasons to Publish an Executive Blog
By Paula Skaper
Remember the first time someone told you that by the year 2000 every company would have a website? Remember how sceptical you were? Fast forward to 2006. In the next five years, every successful business will incorporate blogging into their marketing and communications strategies as automatically as they include web sites today.
Most will do it because their competitors are blogging and they don’t want to be “left behind” in the aftermath of technological hurricane. The smart ones leading the pack will profit from their blogs because they know that…
Blogs build brand
Smart companies today are managing their blogs with the same dedication they invest in their television advertising. There are blogs dedicated to supporting a specific advertising campaign (check out chadland.ca for Bell Solo Mobile Phones) and blogs dedicated to supporting corporate positioning in the market place. Soon, not having a blog will be a positioning statement of its own.
Blogging builds relationships
Blogging brings senior executives in direct communication with your customers. It provides a forum for execs to share their ideas, their inspirations and, most importantly, their passion for you business. The result – customers who feel as though they can get to know the people at the helm of your business. And whether the purchase is a $2 tube of chapstick or $2 million ERP investment, we’re always more comfortable buying from people we know than people we don’t.
Blogging is the new cornerstone of effective public relations
It’s crisis time. You need to kick into damage control mode – and fast. Sure you can hold a news conference, place calls to your friendliest journalists, issue a formal statement that you email to key contacts and clients. But that all takes time.
Within minutes a post can be published to your blog outlining your position and letting your customers know where and how to get more information. And with RSS enabled, those same customers will be immediately notified. They might even see your post before the press conference is over.
Search Engine Rankings
A well-managed blog can directly support your search engine rankings. Invest the effort to write regular posts - original content and good information are key. Don’t forget to let your personality shine through – corporate and personal. A unique approach and fresh content are powerful allies in your search engine marketing efforts.
But be careful – like every successful tactic this one has been abused. Simply re-publishing someone else’s content or developing a link farm disguised as a “useful resource” will do more harm than good.
Lead Generation
Bet you didn’t see this one coming! It’s true. Make sure that your blog is interesting to the people most likely to be purchasers of your products or services. Develop an interested audience for your blog, encourage them to subscribe via an RSS feed or an email digest. You get a qualified list of potential customers and permission to put your brand front and centre on a regular basis.
Still not convinced?
Take a look at who’s already blogging? The question should be, “Who isn’t?” In fact, a new directory has launched at iblogbusiness.com. You can also check out these corporate blogs for inspiration:
* Randy’s Journal: by Boeing Vice President Marketing
* The Fastlane Blog: posts from several General Motors executives
* Jonathan’s Blog: by Sun Microsystems President and COO
* Sweetmantra: Personal Blog of Bill Sweetman
* OneDegree: edited by Ken Schafer, VP, Marketing Tucows Inc.
President of email marketing agency Kinetix Media Communications, Paula Skaper is an internet marketing expert. She is an instructor of e-Commerce at BCIT, current President of the IIMA and regularly writes and speaks on issues surrounding every aspect of internet marketing. Paula is also the editor of Digital Conversations, an online marketing resource.
By Paula Skaper
Remember the first time someone told you that by the year 2000 every company would have a website? Remember how sceptical you were? Fast forward to 2006. In the next five years, every successful business will incorporate blogging into their marketing and communications strategies as automatically as they include web sites today.
Most will do it because their competitors are blogging and they don’t want to be “left behind” in the aftermath of technological hurricane. The smart ones leading the pack will profit from their blogs because they know that…
Blogs build brand
Smart companies today are managing their blogs with the same dedication they invest in their television advertising. There are blogs dedicated to supporting a specific advertising campaign (check out chadland.ca for Bell Solo Mobile Phones) and blogs dedicated to supporting corporate positioning in the market place. Soon, not having a blog will be a positioning statement of its own.
Blogging builds relationships
Blogging brings senior executives in direct communication with your customers. It provides a forum for execs to share their ideas, their inspirations and, most importantly, their passion for you business. The result – customers who feel as though they can get to know the people at the helm of your business. And whether the purchase is a $2 tube of chapstick or $2 million ERP investment, we’re always more comfortable buying from people we know than people we don’t.
Blogging is the new cornerstone of effective public relations
It’s crisis time. You need to kick into damage control mode – and fast. Sure you can hold a news conference, place calls to your friendliest journalists, issue a formal statement that you email to key contacts and clients. But that all takes time.
Within minutes a post can be published to your blog outlining your position and letting your customers know where and how to get more information. And with RSS enabled, those same customers will be immediately notified. They might even see your post before the press conference is over.
Search Engine Rankings
A well-managed blog can directly support your search engine rankings. Invest the effort to write regular posts - original content and good information are key. Don’t forget to let your personality shine through – corporate and personal. A unique approach and fresh content are powerful allies in your search engine marketing efforts.
But be careful – like every successful tactic this one has been abused. Simply re-publishing someone else’s content or developing a link farm disguised as a “useful resource” will do more harm than good.
Lead Generation
Bet you didn’t see this one coming! It’s true. Make sure that your blog is interesting to the people most likely to be purchasers of your products or services. Develop an interested audience for your blog, encourage them to subscribe via an RSS feed or an email digest. You get a qualified list of potential customers and permission to put your brand front and centre on a regular basis.
Still not convinced?
Take a look at who’s already blogging? The question should be, “Who isn’t?” In fact, a new directory has launched at iblogbusiness.com. You can also check out these corporate blogs for inspiration:
* Randy’s Journal: by Boeing Vice President Marketing
* The Fastlane Blog: posts from several General Motors executives
* Jonathan’s Blog: by Sun Microsystems President and COO
* Sweetmantra: Personal Blog of Bill Sweetman
* OneDegree: edited by Ken Schafer, VP, Marketing Tucows Inc.
President of email marketing agency Kinetix Media Communications, Paula Skaper is an internet marketing expert. She is an instructor of e-Commerce at BCIT, current President of the IIMA and regularly writes and speaks on issues surrounding every aspect of internet marketing. Paula is also the editor of Digital Conversations, an online marketing resource.
Google Finance: A New And Free Way To Generate More Visitors To Your Blog
Google Finance: A New And Free Way To Generate More Visitors To Your Blog
By Tino Buntic
An interesting thing happened recently. I mentioned Google in my blog and, shortly after, my blog had a visitor via Google Finance. This was interesting. So I tried a few blog posts that mentioned other public companies and I received even more traffic from Google Finance.
I, by accident, discovered a new and free way to generate some more visitors to my blog. All I had to do was mention a company that is tracked by Google Finance and I would receive visitors.
Here's how it works. Google Finance is a beta product offered by Google that provides information about North American stocks, mutual funds, and public and private companies along with charts, news, and fundamental financial data. If you research any company that is tracked by Google Finance, you will find that at the bottom right-hand corner of the Google Finance page for that company is a section for Blog Posts, providing links to blogs that mention the company so that users of Google Finance can easily find opinions from members of the blogosphere.
What does this mean for you and your blog? It is a new and free way to generate more visitors to your blog if you happen to mention any of the thousands of companies tracked by Google Finance. Of course, mentioning a company just for the sake of mentioning it to generate more blog traffic could be considered spam and is not the right thing to do. But, if you have valuable insight, feel free to do so and you may receive more traffic to your blog.
Tino Buntic created TradePals to provide leads to business professionals and entrepreneurs across North America - without cold calling and for FREE.
Tino also enjoys reading Neville's Financial Blog by Neville Medhora.
By Tino Buntic
An interesting thing happened recently. I mentioned Google in my blog and, shortly after, my blog had a visitor via Google Finance. This was interesting. So I tried a few blog posts that mentioned other public companies and I received even more traffic from Google Finance.
I, by accident, discovered a new and free way to generate some more visitors to my blog. All I had to do was mention a company that is tracked by Google Finance and I would receive visitors.
Here's how it works. Google Finance is a beta product offered by Google that provides information about North American stocks, mutual funds, and public and private companies along with charts, news, and fundamental financial data. If you research any company that is tracked by Google Finance, you will find that at the bottom right-hand corner of the Google Finance page for that company is a section for Blog Posts, providing links to blogs that mention the company so that users of Google Finance can easily find opinions from members of the blogosphere.
What does this mean for you and your blog? It is a new and free way to generate more visitors to your blog if you happen to mention any of the thousands of companies tracked by Google Finance. Of course, mentioning a company just for the sake of mentioning it to generate more blog traffic could be considered spam and is not the right thing to do. But, if you have valuable insight, feel free to do so and you may receive more traffic to your blog.
Tino Buntic created TradePals to provide leads to business professionals and entrepreneurs across North America - without cold calling and for FREE.
Tino also enjoys reading Neville's Financial Blog by Neville Medhora.
Getting Visitors to Your Blog
Getting Visitors to Your Blog
By Marty Rubenski
You’ve created the perfect blog, packed with useful information. Or maybe you just talk about your family and pets. Everything is great... except nobody reads your blog. If this is even slightly familiar, read these 7 tips for getting the maximum number of visitors to your blog:
1. Quality counts. I’m sorry, but people aren’t interested in what you had for breakfast or the sordid details of your teenage angst. Writing posts that are informative, funny or interesting is 90% of the way to getting visitors. Make every post count. Spend 90% of your time on the posts and the blog traffic will follow.
2. Although you will get most of your visitors from other sources, don’t ignore search engines. They can deliver several hundred visitors a day without too much effort. Include keywords about your topic in at least two posts on each page. For example, if your blog is about sailing, mention the word "sailing" as well as related keywords such as boat, tiller, ocean and yacht. Don’t make the mistake of just repeating "sailing" over and over. Search engines aren’t that dumb. They look for on-topic keywords. Make your titles descriptive. Use "My Greek Sailing Holiday" rather than just "My Holiday"
3. Tell your friends. Tell them to tell their friends. Use this both online and offline. Are you embarrassed to let your friends to see your blog? See tip #1.
4. Get links. Lots of links. Most of your long-term repeat visitors will come from links on other blogs and websites. Use Google to search for blogs and websites in the same area as yours and send them an email telling them about your amazing blog. Offer to exchange links. Many won’t respond, but enough will to make it worth the effort.
5. Get involved with the blogging community. Read blogs on similar topics and ideas and leave meaningful comments on posts you like. Join in the conversations on hot topics. Be part of the community, not just an observer.
6. Write articles on your topic and submit them to the main article directories. Spend enough time to make the quality of your articles the highest you can. Get known as an expert in your field. Add a link and brief description of your blog in the resource section of your article.
7. Post on forums in your topic. Add a link to your blog in your signature if the forum allows this. Getting known as an active and knowledgeable poster will bring you more regular visitors than you realize. Give and you shall receive.
If you would like to get 10,000 visitors a day to your blog within the next six weeks, bookmark http://bloggingonblogging.com
By Marty Rubenski
You’ve created the perfect blog, packed with useful information. Or maybe you just talk about your family and pets. Everything is great... except nobody reads your blog. If this is even slightly familiar, read these 7 tips for getting the maximum number of visitors to your blog:
1. Quality counts. I’m sorry, but people aren’t interested in what you had for breakfast or the sordid details of your teenage angst. Writing posts that are informative, funny or interesting is 90% of the way to getting visitors. Make every post count. Spend 90% of your time on the posts and the blog traffic will follow.
2. Although you will get most of your visitors from other sources, don’t ignore search engines. They can deliver several hundred visitors a day without too much effort. Include keywords about your topic in at least two posts on each page. For example, if your blog is about sailing, mention the word "sailing" as well as related keywords such as boat, tiller, ocean and yacht. Don’t make the mistake of just repeating "sailing" over and over. Search engines aren’t that dumb. They look for on-topic keywords. Make your titles descriptive. Use "My Greek Sailing Holiday" rather than just "My Holiday"
3. Tell your friends. Tell them to tell their friends. Use this both online and offline. Are you embarrassed to let your friends to see your blog? See tip #1.
4. Get links. Lots of links. Most of your long-term repeat visitors will come from links on other blogs and websites. Use Google to search for blogs and websites in the same area as yours and send them an email telling them about your amazing blog. Offer to exchange links. Many won’t respond, but enough will to make it worth the effort.
5. Get involved with the blogging community. Read blogs on similar topics and ideas and leave meaningful comments on posts you like. Join in the conversations on hot topics. Be part of the community, not just an observer.
6. Write articles on your topic and submit them to the main article directories. Spend enough time to make the quality of your articles the highest you can. Get known as an expert in your field. Add a link and brief description of your blog in the resource section of your article.
7. Post on forums in your topic. Add a link to your blog in your signature if the forum allows this. Getting known as an active and knowledgeable poster will bring you more regular visitors than you realize. Give and you shall receive.
If you would like to get 10,000 visitors a day to your blog within the next six weeks, bookmark http://bloggingonblogging.com
All Blogged Down
All Blogged Down
By Marilyn Mackenzie
The world certainly has changed. Just the other day, someone I’ve chatted with online for years explained why she had not been more active in a group for thrifty moms. She said she was “all blogged down.”
Bogged down I understood. Moms around the world have probably used that phrase or the equivalent for years.
But “blogged down”? Had she meant that she was up to her ears in making entries in her own blog? Or had she become so addicted to reading the blogs of others that she was neglecting her other activities, both online and off? Good question, right?
Being “all blogged down” probably speaks for many these days, young and old.
For those who do not keep up such things, a blog is a web log, or an online diary or journal. Webster’s New Millennium Dictionary of English defines a weblog as, “a personal web site that provides updated headlines and news articles of other sites that are of interest to the user, also may include journal entries, commentaries and recommendations compiled by the user; also written web log, weblog; also called blog.” That pretty much covers it.
Some folks are addicted to reading blogs of persons they have never met. Day in and day out, they log on to see what others have done in their daily lives or what movies or books they recommend. It’s as if they have become voyeurs.
The Internet has taken over the lives of young and old alike. Young folks rush home, wanting to spend time with online games, at MySpace.com and various chat rooms.
Adults log on, and under the guise of being with a group of like-minded people, spend hours online, often neglecting their families, friends, even jobs.
For the lonely or disabled, having an Internet connection can be a real lifesaver, though. Homebound persons, no matter whether they are young or old, suddenly can boast new friends that they might not have had otherwise.
So, is being connected to the Internet a good or bad thing? The jury is still out on that, I suppose.
For the busy mom, it certainly is easier to shop online than to gather all the kids in the SUV and run to the store. It also spares them having each child beg for toys and snack items.
For the traveling business manager, shopping online, checking stock prices, reading the morning news headlines (or entire newspapers), can be a time saver, while keeping him/her up-to-date.
All in all, I think the Internet has more benefits than liabilities. That is, if we don’t all get “all blogged down.”
Marilyn Mackenzie has been writing about home, family, faith and nature for over 40 years. She is an author on http://www.Writing.Com which is a site for Creative Writers. Her portfolio can be found at http://www.Writing.Com/authors/kenzie
By Marilyn Mackenzie
The world certainly has changed. Just the other day, someone I’ve chatted with online for years explained why she had not been more active in a group for thrifty moms. She said she was “all blogged down.”
Bogged down I understood. Moms around the world have probably used that phrase or the equivalent for years.
But “blogged down”? Had she meant that she was up to her ears in making entries in her own blog? Or had she become so addicted to reading the blogs of others that she was neglecting her other activities, both online and off? Good question, right?
Being “all blogged down” probably speaks for many these days, young and old.
For those who do not keep up such things, a blog is a web log, or an online diary or journal. Webster’s New Millennium Dictionary of English defines a weblog as, “a personal web site that provides updated headlines and news articles of other sites that are of interest to the user, also may include journal entries, commentaries and recommendations compiled by the user; also written web log, weblog; also called blog.” That pretty much covers it.
Some folks are addicted to reading blogs of persons they have never met. Day in and day out, they log on to see what others have done in their daily lives or what movies or books they recommend. It’s as if they have become voyeurs.
The Internet has taken over the lives of young and old alike. Young folks rush home, wanting to spend time with online games, at MySpace.com and various chat rooms.
Adults log on, and under the guise of being with a group of like-minded people, spend hours online, often neglecting their families, friends, even jobs.
For the lonely or disabled, having an Internet connection can be a real lifesaver, though. Homebound persons, no matter whether they are young or old, suddenly can boast new friends that they might not have had otherwise.
So, is being connected to the Internet a good or bad thing? The jury is still out on that, I suppose.
For the busy mom, it certainly is easier to shop online than to gather all the kids in the SUV and run to the store. It also spares them having each child beg for toys and snack items.
For the traveling business manager, shopping online, checking stock prices, reading the morning news headlines (or entire newspapers), can be a time saver, while keeping him/her up-to-date.
All in all, I think the Internet has more benefits than liabilities. That is, if we don’t all get “all blogged down.”
Marilyn Mackenzie has been writing about home, family, faith and nature for over 40 years. She is an author on http://www.Writing.Com which is a site for Creative Writers. Her portfolio can be found at http://www.Writing.Com/authors/kenzie
If You Want Free Traffic - You Must Start A Blog Now
If You Want Free Traffic - You Must Start A Blog Now
By Abdelkrim Tahiri
Blogs provide a very simple, quick and easy means to add fresh content to your website. As I’m sure you’ve heard many times over ‘content is king’ in the search engines eyes and if you can provide high quality, regularly updated content your website should benefit with regards to your search engine ranking.
By providing fresh, high quality relevant content you will gain an increase of both first time visitors and repeat visitors, they will come back to check out your new content. Providing it’s interesting, relevant and useful to them. You will begin to build relationships with your readers, increasing your credibility and building their trust in you.
When you blog, you'll find plenty of search engines and directories that are willing to list you free of charge. For the most part you won't need to link back - you'll get a one-way link from site favored by search engines, often using text that you select yourself.
As blog software matures you can now categorize, and alphabetize your links, and with the ability to ping multiple sources as well as leave trackback links to other sites, you can send your readers through a ring of related, freshly updated information that ultimately leads back to you.
You’ve probably heard a thousand times that it is easier to sell repeatedly to an existing client than it is to find a new one. So how do you get that visitor to come back, and possibly buy again? A constant stream of new information on a particular topic work is enough to keep people buying a daily newspaper, subscribing to a magazine or viewing a television series.
A blog on your site is an easy way to keep your site updated on a regular basis. The upside is that visitors will come by more often. If they find your blog interesting and informative, they may bookmark your site. That means you have a much greater chance of making sales. And you have a ready-made audience for any new products you launch.
With a blog that focuses on a narrow, popular theme, you could be sitting on a gold mine and not even be aware of it. Whether your blog contains tips for newbies in your field, expert advice for veterans, or success strategies that build on each other, you could be in the position to supply a demand for needed information.
Abdelkrim Tahiri likes different blogs about internet promotion. Especially inFrench.visit: promotion-site.blogspot.com
By Abdelkrim Tahiri
Blogs provide a very simple, quick and easy means to add fresh content to your website. As I’m sure you’ve heard many times over ‘content is king’ in the search engines eyes and if you can provide high quality, regularly updated content your website should benefit with regards to your search engine ranking.
By providing fresh, high quality relevant content you will gain an increase of both first time visitors and repeat visitors, they will come back to check out your new content. Providing it’s interesting, relevant and useful to them. You will begin to build relationships with your readers, increasing your credibility and building their trust in you.
When you blog, you'll find plenty of search engines and directories that are willing to list you free of charge. For the most part you won't need to link back - you'll get a one-way link from site favored by search engines, often using text that you select yourself.
As blog software matures you can now categorize, and alphabetize your links, and with the ability to ping multiple sources as well as leave trackback links to other sites, you can send your readers through a ring of related, freshly updated information that ultimately leads back to you.
You’ve probably heard a thousand times that it is easier to sell repeatedly to an existing client than it is to find a new one. So how do you get that visitor to come back, and possibly buy again? A constant stream of new information on a particular topic work is enough to keep people buying a daily newspaper, subscribing to a magazine or viewing a television series.
A blog on your site is an easy way to keep your site updated on a regular basis. The upside is that visitors will come by more often. If they find your blog interesting and informative, they may bookmark your site. That means you have a much greater chance of making sales. And you have a ready-made audience for any new products you launch.
With a blog that focuses on a narrow, popular theme, you could be sitting on a gold mine and not even be aware of it. Whether your blog contains tips for newbies in your field, expert advice for veterans, or success strategies that build on each other, you could be in the position to supply a demand for needed information.
Abdelkrim Tahiri likes different blogs about internet promotion. Especially inFrench.visit: promotion-site.blogspot.com
Blogging Tips - 29 Topics and Sentence Starters for Your Next Blog
Blogging Tips - 29 Topics and Sentence Starters for Your Next Blog
By Rita Wilhelm
Are you a small business blogger who has run out of ideas on what to blog about? Do you have a bad case of writer's block? Here are 29 ideas on what to blog about, along with 29 sentence starters for your next blog.
1. Press releases- making new announcements
2. Thoughts for the day
3. Product comparisons
4. Opinions on a topic
5. Promoting your product or service
6. Sharing thoughts about a recent study
7. Giving links to other similar products
8. Asking people to try a product
9. Sharing positive or negative customer service experiences
10. Providing consultation services
11. Providing information regarding your area, traveling and other related information
12. Giving creative ideas about your business
13. Sharing information on local events or industry tradeshows
14. Latest news
15. Providing tips, FAQ’s and support
16. Providing updates about changes in your website
17. Providing information about projects and their status reports
18. Crisis management
19. Explaining how a typical client would use your product or service
20. Improvements in your product
21. Talk about your pet
22. Getting feedback from the customers
23. Information exchange
24. Creating brand equity
25. Sharing articles
26. Sharing reviews on the latest products
27. Discussing personal, public & government issues
28. Sharing information about the charitable causes your company supports
29. Providing expertise
29 Sentence Starters For Your Next Blog
1. I just read an article by ...
2. Today’s tip is about ...
3. We've outlined many of these steps ...
4. There are a lot of ways to ...
5. What I like about our industry is that ...
6. Most of what I’ve written ...
7. For those who don't know already ...
8. I'm thoroughly impressed with ...
9. Do you really want to make a difference ...
10. We have an exciting new announcement ...
11. There are many proven and time-honored strategies ...
12. Thought it would be fun to share ...
13. An interesting thing happened recently ...
14. The older I get the more I realize that ...
15. Sitting out here by the sea ...
16. One of the best ways to ...
17. Ouch. Not really even a fight ...
18. There's a tremendous swell of interest in ...
19. More often than not ...
20. In case you missed it, I finally ...
21. Have you ever tried to figure out why ...
22. Here is a different twist on the ...
23. You've heard me say that ...
24. It looks like there is ...
25. Knowing what it means to ...
26. One of the earliest lessons I learned about ...
27. Entering the mind of a ...
28. Are you looking for a change?
29. Every so often, I talk with clients who would like to ...
We hope these lists may have sparked some new blogging ideas for you. Use it as a resource whenever you have another case of writer's block. Happy blogging!
Rita Wilhelm helps small businesses with their website strategies.
By Rita Wilhelm
Are you a small business blogger who has run out of ideas on what to blog about? Do you have a bad case of writer's block? Here are 29 ideas on what to blog about, along with 29 sentence starters for your next blog.
1. Press releases- making new announcements
2. Thoughts for the day
3. Product comparisons
4. Opinions on a topic
5. Promoting your product or service
6. Sharing thoughts about a recent study
7. Giving links to other similar products
8. Asking people to try a product
9. Sharing positive or negative customer service experiences
10. Providing consultation services
11. Providing information regarding your area, traveling and other related information
12. Giving creative ideas about your business
13. Sharing information on local events or industry tradeshows
14. Latest news
15. Providing tips, FAQ’s and support
16. Providing updates about changes in your website
17. Providing information about projects and their status reports
18. Crisis management
19. Explaining how a typical client would use your product or service
20. Improvements in your product
21. Talk about your pet
22. Getting feedback from the customers
23. Information exchange
24. Creating brand equity
25. Sharing articles
26. Sharing reviews on the latest products
27. Discussing personal, public & government issues
28. Sharing information about the charitable causes your company supports
29. Providing expertise
29 Sentence Starters For Your Next Blog
1. I just read an article by ...
2. Today’s tip is about ...
3. We've outlined many of these steps ...
4. There are a lot of ways to ...
5. What I like about our industry is that ...
6. Most of what I’ve written ...
7. For those who don't know already ...
8. I'm thoroughly impressed with ...
9. Do you really want to make a difference ...
10. We have an exciting new announcement ...
11. There are many proven and time-honored strategies ...
12. Thought it would be fun to share ...
13. An interesting thing happened recently ...
14. The older I get the more I realize that ...
15. Sitting out here by the sea ...
16. One of the best ways to ...
17. Ouch. Not really even a fight ...
18. There's a tremendous swell of interest in ...
19. More often than not ...
20. In case you missed it, I finally ...
21. Have you ever tried to figure out why ...
22. Here is a different twist on the ...
23. You've heard me say that ...
24. It looks like there is ...
25. Knowing what it means to ...
26. One of the earliest lessons I learned about ...
27. Entering the mind of a ...
28. Are you looking for a change?
29. Every so often, I talk with clients who would like to ...
We hope these lists may have sparked some new blogging ideas for you. Use it as a resource whenever you have another case of writer's block. Happy blogging!
Rita Wilhelm helps small businesses with their website strategies.
Major Search Engine Submission: How to Get Listed in Google, Yahoo and Msn
Major Search Engine Submission: How to Get Listed in Google, Yahoo and Msn
By Rose DesRochers
Bloggers often ask how to get their blog listed in the major search engines.
Here’s how:
1. Submit Directly: Submit your blog via Google’s free submitting form. http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
2. Submit your sitemap to Google. http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/
3. Submit your site to DMOZ, the Open Directory Project. Keep in mind that DMOZ.com is run by volunteers; therefore it may take some time before you are listed and a submission does not guarantee listing.
4. Get a Qualified Backlink: Get linked from a website that search engines crawl regularly and add your link to forum signatures. Google states, “Google's robots jump from page to page on the web via hyperlinks, so the more sites that link to your pages, the more likely it is that we'll find them quickly.”
5. If your blog isn’t already listed in Google’s Blog search engine, you can submit it manually. Add your blog to Google’s Blog Search. http://blogsearch.google.com/ping
It usually takes a new website about a month before it’s fully indexed by Google. Google Blog Search indexes blogs by their site feeds, so be sure that you publish a site feed.
Keep in mind that, while Google dominates the web, it isn’t the only search engine on the web.
Yahoo Search is one of the major search engines and directories online as well, so you are going to want to submit your blog to Yahoo’s Directory. http://add.yahoo.com/fast/add?17051064
It could take eight to ten weeks before you are listed in Yahoo.
Yahoo Site Explorer allows you to explore all the web pages indexed by Yahoo Search. siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com
Submit your blog to Yahoo Site Explorer. siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit
Submit Your Feed to the Yahoo! RSS Browse-by-Topic Directory. http://add.yahoo.com/fast/help/us/my/cgi_rss_submission
Submit your Media RSS Feed to Yahoo! Search -http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/submit?
You can submit your blog to Msn at http://search.msn.com.sg/docs/submit.aspx?FORM=WSDD
SubmitExpress.com will submit your blog free to the top 20 + Search engines.
If you don’t already have a Technorati account, sign up for one at Technorati.com and claim your blog at Technorati. Technorati is a popular weblog search engine.
Bloggertalk.net offers a list of blog directories where you can also submit your blog to increase your exposure online. http://www.bloggertalk.net/blog_resources-cat-369.html
When submitting to directories, be sure to take the time to read the submission guidelines provided by each blog directory.
Getting listed in the major search engines alone doesn’t guarantee traffic. Your blog content guarantees that. Update regularly, provide interesting content and the visitors will come, as will the spider bots.
Rose DesRochers is the founder of Blogger Talk Blog Community http://www.bloggertalk.net, a friendly fast growing blogging portal, offering bloggers support, advice, tools, tips and information about blogs and blogging. She is also the administrator of Today's Woman Writing Community http://www.todays-woman.net, a supportive online writing community for men and women over 18.
By Rose DesRochers
Bloggers often ask how to get their blog listed in the major search engines.
Here’s how:
1. Submit Directly: Submit your blog via Google’s free submitting form. http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
2. Submit your sitemap to Google. http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/
3. Submit your site to DMOZ, the Open Directory Project. Keep in mind that DMOZ.com is run by volunteers; therefore it may take some time before you are listed and a submission does not guarantee listing.
4. Get a Qualified Backlink: Get linked from a website that search engines crawl regularly and add your link to forum signatures. Google states, “Google's robots jump from page to page on the web via hyperlinks, so the more sites that link to your pages, the more likely it is that we'll find them quickly.”
5. If your blog isn’t already listed in Google’s Blog search engine, you can submit it manually. Add your blog to Google’s Blog Search. http://blogsearch.google.com/ping
It usually takes a new website about a month before it’s fully indexed by Google. Google Blog Search indexes blogs by their site feeds, so be sure that you publish a site feed.
Keep in mind that, while Google dominates the web, it isn’t the only search engine on the web.
Yahoo Search is one of the major search engines and directories online as well, so you are going to want to submit your blog to Yahoo’s Directory. http://add.yahoo.com/fast/add?17051064
It could take eight to ten weeks before you are listed in Yahoo.
Yahoo Site Explorer allows you to explore all the web pages indexed by Yahoo Search. siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com
Submit your blog to Yahoo Site Explorer. siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit
Submit Your Feed to the Yahoo! RSS Browse-by-Topic Directory. http://add.yahoo.com/fast/help/us/my/cgi_rss_submission
Submit your Media RSS Feed to Yahoo! Search -http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/submit?
You can submit your blog to Msn at http://search.msn.com.sg/docs/submit.aspx?FORM=WSDD
SubmitExpress.com will submit your blog free to the top 20 + Search engines.
If you don’t already have a Technorati account, sign up for one at Technorati.com and claim your blog at Technorati. Technorati is a popular weblog search engine.
Bloggertalk.net offers a list of blog directories where you can also submit your blog to increase your exposure online. http://www.bloggertalk.net/blog_resources-cat-369.html
When submitting to directories, be sure to take the time to read the submission guidelines provided by each blog directory.
Getting listed in the major search engines alone doesn’t guarantee traffic. Your blog content guarantees that. Update regularly, provide interesting content and the visitors will come, as will the spider bots.
Rose DesRochers is the founder of Blogger Talk Blog Community http://www.bloggertalk.net, a friendly fast growing blogging portal, offering bloggers support, advice, tools, tips and information about blogs and blogging. She is also the administrator of Today's Woman Writing Community http://www.todays-woman.net, a supportive online writing community for men and women over 18.
4 Steps For Niche Blogging Success
4 Steps For Niche Blogging Success
By Khemal Dole
Niche blogging has become an extremely popular method of earning revenue with webmasters and internet marketers over the years. The reasons for this are because blogs tend to be easy to get indexed by the search engines, they are very easy to maintain and update and they provide interaction with the visitors and the owner.
There are four simple steps that you should take in order to be successful with niche blogging and they are:
1) Find a niche. This is extremely important as it is very hard to compete with marketers and companies that dominate the much larger niches and they also tend to dominate the search engines for their keywords therefore making it much harder for you to gain good rankings and drive free traffic from the search engines, there is also the fact that the larger niches tend to have millions of competing websites all trying to get higher up the rankings.
You must choose a niche that you can compete in. You can find niches everywhere such as around your home, in the middle of your town, in shops, on article sites, in newsgroups, in magazines, in newspapers and many more places. Nearly anything that people will seach for on the internet can be classed as a niche market for you to earn revenue with.
Always be on the look out for good niches and never stop looking.
2) The content. People will only enjoy and come back to your niche blog if there is great content on it, I mean, why would anyone want to read a blog that was full of bad information? They wouldn't. You need to research and gain knowledge in the niche that you will be working in and you must be able to provide valuable and interesting information to your blog readers.
You can gain knowledge all over the internet and learn about nearly anything you wish with just a little searching. Look through the search engines, websites, articles and even other blogs.
The more you know about your niche, the more chance you have of providing an excellent blog for your market and gaining loyal readers.
3) The traffic. If you want to earn revenue via your blog then you will need to get traffic to it, there is nearly no other way at all to do it. The good news is that there is traffic everywhere on the internet and it is not particularly hard to get it.
You can get traffic to your blog through link exchanging, banner ads, submitting articles, doing press released, using forums, pay per click, email marketing, social networking and many more methods, all you need to do is find out where your market prospects are and drive them to your blog.
Find websites related to your niche that receive a lot of traffic and find a way for you to gain some of that traffic either using paid methods or free.
4) The monetization. You have to monetize your blog in order to earn money, obviously. You can monetize a blog through a number of methods such as adding pay per click ads to it, affiliate links, links to your own products or resell rights products, accepting paid ads, capturing email addresses and marketing to them and more.
The best way to find out the most profitable monetization method is to simply test them. Test which method brings you the most money and stick with it, all you need to do is switch each method around after a certain time period to find out.
Khemal Dole owns and operates http://www.PaychecksDirect.com, a completely FREE service which helps many first-timers and even experts find their perfect Work At Home job. Visit http://www.paychecksdirect.com right now and see for yourself why so many are flocking to his site.
By Khemal Dole
Niche blogging has become an extremely popular method of earning revenue with webmasters and internet marketers over the years. The reasons for this are because blogs tend to be easy to get indexed by the search engines, they are very easy to maintain and update and they provide interaction with the visitors and the owner.
There are four simple steps that you should take in order to be successful with niche blogging and they are:
1) Find a niche. This is extremely important as it is very hard to compete with marketers and companies that dominate the much larger niches and they also tend to dominate the search engines for their keywords therefore making it much harder for you to gain good rankings and drive free traffic from the search engines, there is also the fact that the larger niches tend to have millions of competing websites all trying to get higher up the rankings.
You must choose a niche that you can compete in. You can find niches everywhere such as around your home, in the middle of your town, in shops, on article sites, in newsgroups, in magazines, in newspapers and many more places. Nearly anything that people will seach for on the internet can be classed as a niche market for you to earn revenue with.
Always be on the look out for good niches and never stop looking.
2) The content. People will only enjoy and come back to your niche blog if there is great content on it, I mean, why would anyone want to read a blog that was full of bad information? They wouldn't. You need to research and gain knowledge in the niche that you will be working in and you must be able to provide valuable and interesting information to your blog readers.
You can gain knowledge all over the internet and learn about nearly anything you wish with just a little searching. Look through the search engines, websites, articles and even other blogs.
The more you know about your niche, the more chance you have of providing an excellent blog for your market and gaining loyal readers.
3) The traffic. If you want to earn revenue via your blog then you will need to get traffic to it, there is nearly no other way at all to do it. The good news is that there is traffic everywhere on the internet and it is not particularly hard to get it.
You can get traffic to your blog through link exchanging, banner ads, submitting articles, doing press released, using forums, pay per click, email marketing, social networking and many more methods, all you need to do is find out where your market prospects are and drive them to your blog.
Find websites related to your niche that receive a lot of traffic and find a way for you to gain some of that traffic either using paid methods or free.
4) The monetization. You have to monetize your blog in order to earn money, obviously. You can monetize a blog through a number of methods such as adding pay per click ads to it, affiliate links, links to your own products or resell rights products, accepting paid ads, capturing email addresses and marketing to them and more.
The best way to find out the most profitable monetization method is to simply test them. Test which method brings you the most money and stick with it, all you need to do is switch each method around after a certain time period to find out.
Khemal Dole owns and operates http://www.PaychecksDirect.com, a completely FREE service which helps many first-timers and even experts find their perfect Work At Home job. Visit http://www.paychecksdirect.com right now and see for yourself why so many are flocking to his site.
The Power of Blogs
The Power of Blogs
By Carol Stack
What do you think of when you hear the word "blogging"? Many people think of a teenage girl's personal diary online. They wonder why any professional would ever have a blog.
Blogs have evolved, however, into a terrific tool to promote anything. Businesses are setting up blogs, as well as individuals, who want to promote their products. Blogs are the perfect tool for anyone who wants a presence on the World Wide Web.
Using free blogging software, such as Wordpress, you can have a site up in minutes. Spend a little extra time creating a header graphic and you can have a professional-looking site up in less than an hour.
Although many people still think "teenager's diary" when they hear the word blog, that is beginning to change. Professionals have found that using a blog to communicate with their audience is a great way to build excitement about an upcoming product launch, keep their buyers informed about updates, or just simply communicate with the world. What an inspiring thought that is - to communicate with the world!
It's true, though, that a blog puts each of us in a spotlight for the whole world to find us. Within a few hours of setting up a blog you can have traffic coming to visit. With a good ping list you simply make a post and dozens of sites are told (pinged) that you have added content to your blog. It really is that simple.
Another way to get traffic is to make relevant comments on other blogs with your blog's URL listed with your name. You can also go to answers.yahoo.com and answer questions in your field, again leaving your blog's URL with your name. If your answer is good, people will be inclined to visit your site to see what else you are saying about the topic.
If you regularly post, get links coming to the site, and provide good, solid content, you should succeed in getting a decent amount of traffic within a short time. There are blogs that are getting about 100 visitors a day after 3 months online and there are blogs getting a million visitors a day after a year. It depends a lot on the number of people interested in the topic.
Monetizing a blog is not hard. If you are selling a product then you will be focused on promoting your product. Don't provide the visitor very many choices except to buy your product. In other words, don't have Adsense or affiliate products on prominent pages. Place them on pages that visitors end up on if they are not interested in your product.
If you don't have a product then you can use an assortment of money-makers such as Adsense, Chitika, and affiliate products. If you go this route, don't depend on just one revenue source. Have several affiliate products, Clickbank products, and pay per click advertising.
There is no reason why anyone with a computer and an internet connection could not make money with a blog. It is very simple. The blog does most of the work. All you really have to do is set it up and then post interesting content. Don't put it off another day.
Carol Stack enjoys writing. She lives with her husband, children, and various dogs and cats in the United States. She has several blogs, including http://www.selfpublishinghelper.com where she posts about online publishing using blogs, article syndication, video, and more.
By Carol Stack
What do you think of when you hear the word "blogging"? Many people think of a teenage girl's personal diary online. They wonder why any professional would ever have a blog.
Blogs have evolved, however, into a terrific tool to promote anything. Businesses are setting up blogs, as well as individuals, who want to promote their products. Blogs are the perfect tool for anyone who wants a presence on the World Wide Web.
Using free blogging software, such as Wordpress, you can have a site up in minutes. Spend a little extra time creating a header graphic and you can have a professional-looking site up in less than an hour.
Although many people still think "teenager's diary" when they hear the word blog, that is beginning to change. Professionals have found that using a blog to communicate with their audience is a great way to build excitement about an upcoming product launch, keep their buyers informed about updates, or just simply communicate with the world. What an inspiring thought that is - to communicate with the world!
It's true, though, that a blog puts each of us in a spotlight for the whole world to find us. Within a few hours of setting up a blog you can have traffic coming to visit. With a good ping list you simply make a post and dozens of sites are told (pinged) that you have added content to your blog. It really is that simple.
Another way to get traffic is to make relevant comments on other blogs with your blog's URL listed with your name. You can also go to answers.yahoo.com and answer questions in your field, again leaving your blog's URL with your name. If your answer is good, people will be inclined to visit your site to see what else you are saying about the topic.
If you regularly post, get links coming to the site, and provide good, solid content, you should succeed in getting a decent amount of traffic within a short time. There are blogs that are getting about 100 visitors a day after 3 months online and there are blogs getting a million visitors a day after a year. It depends a lot on the number of people interested in the topic.
Monetizing a blog is not hard. If you are selling a product then you will be focused on promoting your product. Don't provide the visitor very many choices except to buy your product. In other words, don't have Adsense or affiliate products on prominent pages. Place them on pages that visitors end up on if they are not interested in your product.
If you don't have a product then you can use an assortment of money-makers such as Adsense, Chitika, and affiliate products. If you go this route, don't depend on just one revenue source. Have several affiliate products, Clickbank products, and pay per click advertising.
There is no reason why anyone with a computer and an internet connection could not make money with a blog. It is very simple. The blog does most of the work. All you really have to do is set it up and then post interesting content. Don't put it off another day.
Carol Stack enjoys writing. She lives with her husband, children, and various dogs and cats in the United States. She has several blogs, including http://www.selfpublishinghelper.com where she posts about online publishing using blogs, article syndication, video, and more.
How To Make Money From Blog
How To Make Money From Blog
By Benedic Bradson
What is a blog?
A blog is basically a sub-website that describe anything from company profile, opinion, critique or just anything.What good about blog is that it's free and easy to make. You don't need to have HTML basis because this a ready made website, so you just need to construct it online and upload pictures.
How do blog make you money?
1. There are lots of company out there that provide blog services and charge other people when they read your blog. The profit will be shared between you and the blog company. This will be a good opportunity for those who has good writing skill and lot of unique ideas. The trick here is to make a blog that has a valuable information and cannot be found at any other website.
2. There are also companies willing to pay you depending on the number of post commonly known as payperpost. You can be paid up to $100 per post.To find one, just type the term payperpost in Google search box.
3. For a common blog services, you could make use of google adsense which is a very good way to make money online Google will add an advertisement revenue on your blog and pay you when a visitor click on the ads.
4. If you already have a website and want to promote your product, blogging is the perfect way for you. Blog will drive traffic to your site if you put a link back to your website. This is a great way to promote your product the easy way.
Here is some tips on making a good blog.
1. Pick an interesting topic that will attract people. Provide facts and statistic on your content so people will more likely trust you.
2. Provide a keyword rich content on your blog so search engine will more likely find you.
3. Stay fresh with information. Put new things to your blog from time to time to ensure visitor will come back to your site.
4. People will search for information when they are online. So, write a blog on the hottest news so that visitor will visit your site for information on the news.
12 ways to Make Money Online
1. Make Money from ebay 2. Make Money with Blogs
3. Make Money as a Day Trader
4. Make Money with Paid Surveys
5. Make Money from Selling Ebooks
6. Make Money from Processing Emails
7. Make Money from Writing Articles
8. Make Money with Google Adsense
9. Make Money as a Mystery Shopper
10. Make Money with Affiliate programs
11. Make Money from Newsletter and Ezine
12. Make Money from Resell Rights Product
For further information on 12 ways to Make Money Online, please visit the Author's website at http://themoneymaker.50webs.com
By Benedic Bradson
What is a blog?
A blog is basically a sub-website that describe anything from company profile, opinion, critique or just anything.What good about blog is that it's free and easy to make. You don't need to have HTML basis because this a ready made website, so you just need to construct it online and upload pictures.
How do blog make you money?
1. There are lots of company out there that provide blog services and charge other people when they read your blog. The profit will be shared between you and the blog company. This will be a good opportunity for those who has good writing skill and lot of unique ideas. The trick here is to make a blog that has a valuable information and cannot be found at any other website.
2. There are also companies willing to pay you depending on the number of post commonly known as payperpost. You can be paid up to $100 per post.To find one, just type the term payperpost in Google search box.
3. For a common blog services, you could make use of google adsense which is a very good way to make money online Google will add an advertisement revenue on your blog and pay you when a visitor click on the ads.
4. If you already have a website and want to promote your product, blogging is the perfect way for you. Blog will drive traffic to your site if you put a link back to your website. This is a great way to promote your product the easy way.
Here is some tips on making a good blog.
1. Pick an interesting topic that will attract people. Provide facts and statistic on your content so people will more likely trust you.
2. Provide a keyword rich content on your blog so search engine will more likely find you.
3. Stay fresh with information. Put new things to your blog from time to time to ensure visitor will come back to your site.
4. People will search for information when they are online. So, write a blog on the hottest news so that visitor will visit your site for information on the news.
12 ways to Make Money Online
1. Make Money from ebay 2. Make Money with Blogs
3. Make Money as a Day Trader
4. Make Money with Paid Surveys
5. Make Money from Selling Ebooks
6. Make Money from Processing Emails
7. Make Money from Writing Articles
8. Make Money with Google Adsense
9. Make Money as a Mystery Shopper
10. Make Money with Affiliate programs
11. Make Money from Newsletter and Ezine
12. Make Money from Resell Rights Product
For further information on 12 ways to Make Money Online, please visit the Author's website at http://themoneymaker.50webs.com
How to Create a Blog
How to Create a Blog
By Gijo George
A Blog is similar to a personal website, where you can add whatever information you feel like. Having your own Blog will help you to share your ideas and views on particular topic with the whole world. To get a Blog is as easy as creating an email. To own a Blog, first you have to sign up for an account with a particular Blog provider. There are many players in the field, the most popular one being the Blogger.com.
Once you enter this site you can create your account within minutes. Once the user Account is ready, you can start creating Blogs. For this first login to your Blog account with the created Username and Password. Click on the Create Blog button and type a Blog name. You will get this Blog name if the particular name you requested is not taken by anybody else. Once you own this blog, you can select a template from the available list of templates which are elegant and beautiful.
After the selection of the template, you can start posting in the Blog you just now created. For this, click on the New Post button and start posting your content. After posting the data, you have to publish your posting with a Publish button. You can notice your url in the address bar. You can link this url in your email or in other sites where people will find your site and click it to read your content. Also, every Blog template contains a button called Next Blog. This button will guide the user to the next blog.
Gijo George
Visit http://www.giftsspace.com For Unique Crafts and Gifts from Around the world
By Gijo George
A Blog is similar to a personal website, where you can add whatever information you feel like. Having your own Blog will help you to share your ideas and views on particular topic with the whole world. To get a Blog is as easy as creating an email. To own a Blog, first you have to sign up for an account with a particular Blog provider. There are many players in the field, the most popular one being the Blogger.com.
Once you enter this site you can create your account within minutes. Once the user Account is ready, you can start creating Blogs. For this first login to your Blog account with the created Username and Password. Click on the Create Blog button and type a Blog name. You will get this Blog name if the particular name you requested is not taken by anybody else. Once you own this blog, you can select a template from the available list of templates which are elegant and beautiful.
After the selection of the template, you can start posting in the Blog you just now created. For this, click on the New Post button and start posting your content. After posting the data, you have to publish your posting with a Publish button. You can notice your url in the address bar. You can link this url in your email or in other sites where people will find your site and click it to read your content. Also, every Blog template contains a button called Next Blog. This button will guide the user to the next blog.
Gijo George
Visit http://www.giftsspace.com For Unique Crafts and Gifts from Around the world
Blogs Can Make Money for Clients
Blogs Can Make Money for Clients
By Aaron Wittersheim
Once a company blog is launched, management quickly turns its attention to monetizing it. Depending on the size and demographics of the audience, it is not unheard of for blogs to earn in excess of $10,000 a month. But although companies have several revenue-generating options to choose from, they can easily go wrong. Savvy managers tap their search engine marketing, or SEM, partner for direction.
Common monetization techniques include:
publishing pay-per-click, or PPC, ads on the blog through programs such as Google™ AdWords; affiliate advertising, through programs such as Amazon® Affiliates; RSS advertising, or placing ads on a blog’s subscription feeds; Selling ad space to strategic business partners or other third parties; Offering downloadable podcasts or research studies for a fee; Offering promotional merchandise; and, Soliciting donations through services such as PayPal®.
Depending on corporate culture and the nature of the market, some options make more sense than others. For example, a not-for-profit can attract sizable donations, whereas a commercial business is apt to put off blog readers simply by asking for them. Packing the page with PPC ads might seem natural on a discount retailer’s blog, but tacky or outright objectionable on a law firm’s. The SEM partner’s role is to sort out the client’s marketing issues and craft a monetization plan that properly blends the ingredients.
Important as the right plan is, the crucial element of blog monetization – and the one so often ignored – is timing. Quite simply, no monetization tool in the world will deliver results until the blog has established an audience. Attracting traffic and building steady readership are where the client needs its SEM partner first and most for:
building search engine optimization, or SEO, into the blog’s programming; implementing reader-friendly RSS subscription feeds; recommending SEO techniques for blog content; developing and executing a linking strategy; registering the blog on important blog directories; and, analyzing blog traffic to pinpoint the most promising monetization approaches.
Rushing to fill a client’s blog with ads and offers, while tempting, is ineffective, even counterproductive. A clean, uncluttered blog layout attracts new readers. On the other hand, blogs that look like an online flea market inspire visitors to click away.
In general, SEM firms should advise clients to take the blog monetization plunge; but look before they leap. A successful strategy has two phases: first build the audience, then, second, go after the revenue.
Aaron Wittersheim is president of Whoast Inc., a suburban Chicago search marketing firm. For more information, visit http://www.whoast.com.
By Aaron Wittersheim
Once a company blog is launched, management quickly turns its attention to monetizing it. Depending on the size and demographics of the audience, it is not unheard of for blogs to earn in excess of $10,000 a month. But although companies have several revenue-generating options to choose from, they can easily go wrong. Savvy managers tap their search engine marketing, or SEM, partner for direction.
Common monetization techniques include:
publishing pay-per-click, or PPC, ads on the blog through programs such as Google™ AdWords; affiliate advertising, through programs such as Amazon® Affiliates; RSS advertising, or placing ads on a blog’s subscription feeds; Selling ad space to strategic business partners or other third parties; Offering downloadable podcasts or research studies for a fee; Offering promotional merchandise; and, Soliciting donations through services such as PayPal®.
Depending on corporate culture and the nature of the market, some options make more sense than others. For example, a not-for-profit can attract sizable donations, whereas a commercial business is apt to put off blog readers simply by asking for them. Packing the page with PPC ads might seem natural on a discount retailer’s blog, but tacky or outright objectionable on a law firm’s. The SEM partner’s role is to sort out the client’s marketing issues and craft a monetization plan that properly blends the ingredients.
Important as the right plan is, the crucial element of blog monetization – and the one so often ignored – is timing. Quite simply, no monetization tool in the world will deliver results until the blog has established an audience. Attracting traffic and building steady readership are where the client needs its SEM partner first and most for:
building search engine optimization, or SEO, into the blog’s programming; implementing reader-friendly RSS subscription feeds; recommending SEO techniques for blog content; developing and executing a linking strategy; registering the blog on important blog directories; and, analyzing blog traffic to pinpoint the most promising monetization approaches.
Rushing to fill a client’s blog with ads and offers, while tempting, is ineffective, even counterproductive. A clean, uncluttered blog layout attracts new readers. On the other hand, blogs that look like an online flea market inspire visitors to click away.
In general, SEM firms should advise clients to take the blog monetization plunge; but look before they leap. A successful strategy has two phases: first build the audience, then, second, go after the revenue.
Aaron Wittersheim is president of Whoast Inc., a suburban Chicago search marketing firm. For more information, visit http://www.whoast.com.
10 Tips On Promoting Your New Blog
10 Tips On Promoting Your New Blog
By Philip Michael
One great way of getting more traffic and more importantly, making the traffic come back to your site over and over again, is by having your own blog.
The term, ‘Blog‘, is becoming more and more popular, and these days most online companies have a blog.
How can you promote your blog? Once you get your blog known, if you have good enough content, then it will promote itself, thats the amazing thing with blogs.
Heres some quick tips to help promote your blog.
1. Allow your blog readers to subscribe to your own RSS feed. Subscribe with Feedburner. Feedburner allows blog owners and podcasters the ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers.
2. Always set your blog to ping ‘update services’. What is that? If you use the Wordpress software, here is a great explanation, here.
3. Take full advantage of Technorati. For a full explanation of what Technorati is and how it works, take a look here.
4. Use the power of social netwroking sites, such as digg.com, reddit.com and del.icio.us . If you write a great article, submit it to these sites, if they get picked up by them, you will see a massive increase in traffic to your blog.
5. When writing a post, always make sure you link to as many related sites and blogs. Many blogs have a ‘trackback’ feature enabled which can see what other blogs, like yours, are sending visitors to their blogs. They then usually link back to your blog automatically for free.
6. Get your blogs web address in as many places as possible. Use forums, and put your blogs address in your signature.
7. Submit your blog to as many blog directories as possible, such as blogcatalog.com
8. Link to your blog from your websites homepage, and also in the footer of every other page on your website.
9. Get tips from 2 pro bloggers, such as problogger.net and shoemoney.com
10. Finally, and most important, write great content that is relevant to your website, and you will then find your readers will do your promoting for you.
Article Written By Phil From www.adquick.co.uk
By Philip Michael
One great way of getting more traffic and more importantly, making the traffic come back to your site over and over again, is by having your own blog.
The term, ‘Blog‘, is becoming more and more popular, and these days most online companies have a blog.
How can you promote your blog? Once you get your blog known, if you have good enough content, then it will promote itself, thats the amazing thing with blogs.
Heres some quick tips to help promote your blog.
1. Allow your blog readers to subscribe to your own RSS feed. Subscribe with Feedburner. Feedburner allows blog owners and podcasters the ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers.
2. Always set your blog to ping ‘update services’. What is that? If you use the Wordpress software, here is a great explanation, here.
3. Take full advantage of Technorati. For a full explanation of what Technorati is and how it works, take a look here.
4. Use the power of social netwroking sites, such as digg.com, reddit.com and del.icio.us . If you write a great article, submit it to these sites, if they get picked up by them, you will see a massive increase in traffic to your blog.
5. When writing a post, always make sure you link to as many related sites and blogs. Many blogs have a ‘trackback’ feature enabled which can see what other blogs, like yours, are sending visitors to their blogs. They then usually link back to your blog automatically for free.
6. Get your blogs web address in as many places as possible. Use forums, and put your blogs address in your signature.
7. Submit your blog to as many blog directories as possible, such as blogcatalog.com
8. Link to your blog from your websites homepage, and also in the footer of every other page on your website.
9. Get tips from 2 pro bloggers, such as problogger.net and shoemoney.com
10. Finally, and most important, write great content that is relevant to your website, and you will then find your readers will do your promoting for you.
Article Written By Phil From www.adquick.co.uk
Making Money By Blogging
Making Money By Blogging
By Andrew McNaught
Entrepreneurs make money blogging using two main types of business models. The most common way that people turn blogging into a profit making machine is to contact different companies that will want to reach your readers to buy advertising. Another way that money can be made is to help a single brand improve its image by creating a positive association between your blog and their product in the minds of purchasers. You can make lots of money with either method, especially if you use your marketing skills.
There are two basic ways that you can recruit companies to buy advertising on your site, if that is why you are blogging. If you want sponsors to put ads on your site you can let someone else take care of recruiting them or you can recruit them yourself so that all of the proceeds will go to you. If you don't have time to recruit sponsors, then you may want to do what many other people do. They make money through Google's AdSense program, which has numerous advantages. One of the best advantages is that it takes very little effort on the part of the blogger to start making money. Most people find, though, that they make less money than they had planned from their blog.
A more lucrative way of making money through blogging is by recruiting companies to put their ads and links on your blog yourself. You may want to do this yourself, especially if you have contacts in different companies that may be interested in advertising on your blog. If you have a sales background, you may also do very well in selling advertising yourself. The only problem with selling advertising directly to companies is that it will take a sizable readership to attract the companies to buy ads, and this means that you may have to complete several months of work before you begin to see the money through blogging.
Established companies are trying to find a way that they can get into the lucrative business of blogging. One of the ways that they are getting into the blogging business is by creating blogs to put a friendly face on their company. They will have an experienced blogger create a blog that will appeal to their prospective customers to create a positive attitude about their company and the brand that they are trying to sell. You would be surprised by the number of bloggers who didn't plan on making money blogging that have been contacted by a company with a substantial financial offer to blog for them.
You can make money blogging. You just need to learn about the different ways to make money so that you will be more knowledgeable about the process. Then you can type your way to making money.
Andrew McNaught is a successful webmaster and publisher of Blogging World Online where you can find out lots more on the world of blogging.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_McNaught
By Andrew McNaught
Entrepreneurs make money blogging using two main types of business models. The most common way that people turn blogging into a profit making machine is to contact different companies that will want to reach your readers to buy advertising. Another way that money can be made is to help a single brand improve its image by creating a positive association between your blog and their product in the minds of purchasers. You can make lots of money with either method, especially if you use your marketing skills.
There are two basic ways that you can recruit companies to buy advertising on your site, if that is why you are blogging. If you want sponsors to put ads on your site you can let someone else take care of recruiting them or you can recruit them yourself so that all of the proceeds will go to you. If you don't have time to recruit sponsors, then you may want to do what many other people do. They make money through Google's AdSense program, which has numerous advantages. One of the best advantages is that it takes very little effort on the part of the blogger to start making money. Most people find, though, that they make less money than they had planned from their blog.
A more lucrative way of making money through blogging is by recruiting companies to put their ads and links on your blog yourself. You may want to do this yourself, especially if you have contacts in different companies that may be interested in advertising on your blog. If you have a sales background, you may also do very well in selling advertising yourself. The only problem with selling advertising directly to companies is that it will take a sizable readership to attract the companies to buy ads, and this means that you may have to complete several months of work before you begin to see the money through blogging.
Established companies are trying to find a way that they can get into the lucrative business of blogging. One of the ways that they are getting into the blogging business is by creating blogs to put a friendly face on their company. They will have an experienced blogger create a blog that will appeal to their prospective customers to create a positive attitude about their company and the brand that they are trying to sell. You would be surprised by the number of bloggers who didn't plan on making money blogging that have been contacted by a company with a substantial financial offer to blog for them.
You can make money blogging. You just need to learn about the different ways to make money so that you will be more knowledgeable about the process. Then you can type your way to making money.
Andrew McNaught is a successful webmaster and publisher of Blogging World Online where you can find out lots more on the world of blogging.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_McNaught
What Is Social Bookmarking and Why Should Bloggers Care?
What Is Social Bookmarking and Why Should Bloggers Care?
By Cathy Perkins
What is Social Bookmarking and why should bloggers care? Good questions! It's been around for a long time but is just now coming to the attention of the blogosphere.
Social bookmarking is the process of setting up an account on one or many of the social bookmarking sites like Technorati, Del.icio.us, MySpace, Stumbleupon, Google Bookmarks, Yahoo My Web, Digg, Spurl and many others. These seem to be the most popular. Setting up an account on any of these services is quite easy because they don't want your life story, usually just a user name and password. So - the first time you go to these sites it will take a bit longer but once your account is set up, it's a matter of clicking to the site and bookmarking your page.
Bookmark your page? What page? You bookmark the page of your blog post that you just did. You can put keywords into the form too so others can find your post by keyword. This does two things - you get a link to your post - and we all know how important incoming links are for the search engines - and you make your URL findable by keyword for anyone who uses that social bookmarking service and searches by keyword.
Think of these sites as mini search engines. If you use any of the 'big' search engines to search by keyword you'll get about a zillion returns. How do you choose? Can they all be relevant to what you want to know? Of course not. By using these social bookmarking search engines, the results will nearly always be relevant if the poster picks good keywords and there won't be a zillion returns.
How can you leverage the use of social bookmarking sites? Easy - there are plug-ins available for most blog platforms that allow you to put a line of social bookmarking sites across the bottom of each post. All your reader has to do is click on the icon for the site of his choice and bookmark that post in his own account. Presto - another incoming link!
If you are a blogger, there is really no easier way to get incoming links and get noticed by the search engines. Give it a try!
Cathy Perkins is an author, blogger, and WordPress expert who lives in the beautiful foothills of North Carolina. Watch as she builds her site, http://www.wordpressguru.com from the ground up. You will learn all you ever wanted to know about WordPress and more. Sign up for the WordPress Guru newsletter while you are there.
By Cathy Perkins
What is Social Bookmarking and why should bloggers care? Good questions! It's been around for a long time but is just now coming to the attention of the blogosphere.
Social bookmarking is the process of setting up an account on one or many of the social bookmarking sites like Technorati, Del.icio.us, MySpace, Stumbleupon, Google Bookmarks, Yahoo My Web, Digg, Spurl and many others. These seem to be the most popular. Setting up an account on any of these services is quite easy because they don't want your life story, usually just a user name and password. So - the first time you go to these sites it will take a bit longer but once your account is set up, it's a matter of clicking to the site and bookmarking your page.
Bookmark your page? What page? You bookmark the page of your blog post that you just did. You can put keywords into the form too so others can find your post by keyword. This does two things - you get a link to your post - and we all know how important incoming links are for the search engines - and you make your URL findable by keyword for anyone who uses that social bookmarking service and searches by keyword.
Think of these sites as mini search engines. If you use any of the 'big' search engines to search by keyword you'll get about a zillion returns. How do you choose? Can they all be relevant to what you want to know? Of course not. By using these social bookmarking search engines, the results will nearly always be relevant if the poster picks good keywords and there won't be a zillion returns.
How can you leverage the use of social bookmarking sites? Easy - there are plug-ins available for most blog platforms that allow you to put a line of social bookmarking sites across the bottom of each post. All your reader has to do is click on the icon for the site of his choice and bookmark that post in his own account. Presto - another incoming link!
If you are a blogger, there is really no easier way to get incoming links and get noticed by the search engines. Give it a try!
Cathy Perkins is an author, blogger, and WordPress expert who lives in the beautiful foothills of North Carolina. Watch as she builds her site, http://www.wordpressguru.com from the ground up. You will learn all you ever wanted to know about WordPress and more. Sign up for the WordPress Guru newsletter while you are there.
How to Create Your Own Free Blog
How to Create Your Own Free Blog
By Joshua Spaulding
So what is a blog? You can think of it as a journal. Although many use them to post informational articles on whatever their topic is, you can use a free blog to post your daily activities or anything you want. Many allow you to post what is called a blogroll. This is a list of links to your favorite blogs or websites. There are many more great features you get and the best part is they are free.
When you create a website there are several things you must consider. You must register a domain and pay an annual fee. You must also pay for a host which can be very costly for a good one. When it comes down to it starting a free blog just makes sense. Why pay all of that money for a website that you must create yourself.
So how do you create a free blog? That is an easy one; find a company like word press or blogger and register. It is that easy, they will walk you through the steps that you need to do in order to get it going. You do not need any prior knowledge of websites, hosting or anything else. Once it is set up all you have to do is post your thoughts in the pre-made template and then click the post button.
If you already own a normal website or you are considering it your site can benefit from your free blog as well. If the two are on the same topic you can use what is called RSS feeds to feed your posts onto your normal website. The benefit to this is that your site will have fresh original content every time you make a post.
Whatever your reason is to get one started it is important for you to know that you do not need any prior knowledge to do so and it is absolutely free. Do find a good place to get started just do a search on any major SE and you should have no problem at all finding one. You may be better off going with one of the more well known hosts but you may be able to find a good one that is just coming up.
Joshua Spaulding is a Webmaster and Author providing Proven Ways to Make Money Online including how to Create a Free Blog. Joshua also runs a Quality Article Directory.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Spaulding
By Joshua Spaulding
So what is a blog? You can think of it as a journal. Although many use them to post informational articles on whatever their topic is, you can use a free blog to post your daily activities or anything you want. Many allow you to post what is called a blogroll. This is a list of links to your favorite blogs or websites. There are many more great features you get and the best part is they are free.
When you create a website there are several things you must consider. You must register a domain and pay an annual fee. You must also pay for a host which can be very costly for a good one. When it comes down to it starting a free blog just makes sense. Why pay all of that money for a website that you must create yourself.
So how do you create a free blog? That is an easy one; find a company like word press or blogger and register. It is that easy, they will walk you through the steps that you need to do in order to get it going. You do not need any prior knowledge of websites, hosting or anything else. Once it is set up all you have to do is post your thoughts in the pre-made template and then click the post button.
If you already own a normal website or you are considering it your site can benefit from your free blog as well. If the two are on the same topic you can use what is called RSS feeds to feed your posts onto your normal website. The benefit to this is that your site will have fresh original content every time you make a post.
Whatever your reason is to get one started it is important for you to know that you do not need any prior knowledge to do so and it is absolutely free. Do find a good place to get started just do a search on any major SE and you should have no problem at all finding one. You may be better off going with one of the more well known hosts but you may be able to find a good one that is just coming up.
Joshua Spaulding is a Webmaster and Author providing Proven Ways to Make Money Online including how to Create a Free Blog. Joshua also runs a Quality Article Directory.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Spaulding
Top 5 Tips For Blogging For SEO And Traffic Benifits
Top 5 Tips For Blogging For SEO And Traffic Benefits
By George Christodoulou
Blogging is one of the simplest forms of publishing content on the internet. They are also amazing food for search engines. Despite this, there is a way that blogs must be created and maintained to make sure that they run properly. You can't just decide that you are going to create a blog and you are going to get traffic because that is just not happening. What you are going to do is follow these 10 tips that aren’t going to make you a blogging master, but will get you on the first step on the ladder to success.
1. Make sure you have a template edited so it is different from the default ones. People who use default blog templates are doomed to fail because they presume the public is ignorant and do not know that 5,000 other blogs look like theirs. Editing is not hard, it takes a little bit of knowledge, software, or some money.
2. Post more then once a day. As soon as you start your blog, start to post 3, 4, even 5 times a day for a month. If you see any blogs out there, you know that they have hundreds of posts. These posts are created over a long period of time. You need to catch up. If you write 5 posts a day for a month you will have 150 posts and that is plenty to get you going.
3. Ping your blog everywhere. This is very important when you want search engines to get to you. Sites that offer you the ability to ping are all over the web. You can even type in, "list of sites to ping" in Google and find some forum thread or other that has a large list of sites to ping to.
4. Use RSS feed and ping it as well. Many people do not know the incredible power of RSS feed. Many blog platforms already start with RSS feed for your blog. This can also be pinged along with your site. Hopefully if your posts are good, webmasters will pick them up and place them on there sites.
5. Use social bookmarking Sites. These social bookmarking sites are amazing. These sites allow people to publicly display there favorite sites on the internet. All you have to do is sign up to one, like www.del.ici.us and join. Then look for the blogging tools and place a button on your site. What this does is tell people to add your blog to there favorites. This brings links, traffic, increased ranking and more.
If you are really interested in learning all you can about blogging you are on the right path. There are plenty of great free resources on the internet; all you have to do is find them.
Free Blog Traffic E-book!
Learn How To Blog Like A Pro To
Generate Thousnds Of Visitors To Your Website Using Blogs.
Thanks for reading
George Christodoulou
By George Christodoulou
Blogging is one of the simplest forms of publishing content on the internet. They are also amazing food for search engines. Despite this, there is a way that blogs must be created and maintained to make sure that they run properly. You can't just decide that you are going to create a blog and you are going to get traffic because that is just not happening. What you are going to do is follow these 10 tips that aren’t going to make you a blogging master, but will get you on the first step on the ladder to success.
1. Make sure you have a template edited so it is different from the default ones. People who use default blog templates are doomed to fail because they presume the public is ignorant and do not know that 5,000 other blogs look like theirs. Editing is not hard, it takes a little bit of knowledge, software, or some money.
2. Post more then once a day. As soon as you start your blog, start to post 3, 4, even 5 times a day for a month. If you see any blogs out there, you know that they have hundreds of posts. These posts are created over a long period of time. You need to catch up. If you write 5 posts a day for a month you will have 150 posts and that is plenty to get you going.
3. Ping your blog everywhere. This is very important when you want search engines to get to you. Sites that offer you the ability to ping are all over the web. You can even type in, "list of sites to ping" in Google and find some forum thread or other that has a large list of sites to ping to.
4. Use RSS feed and ping it as well. Many people do not know the incredible power of RSS feed. Many blog platforms already start with RSS feed for your blog. This can also be pinged along with your site. Hopefully if your posts are good, webmasters will pick them up and place them on there sites.
5. Use social bookmarking Sites. These social bookmarking sites are amazing. These sites allow people to publicly display there favorite sites on the internet. All you have to do is sign up to one, like www.del.ici.us and join. Then look for the blogging tools and place a button on your site. What this does is tell people to add your blog to there favorites. This brings links, traffic, increased ranking and more.
If you are really interested in learning all you can about blogging you are on the right path. There are plenty of great free resources on the internet; all you have to do is find them.
Free Blog Traffic E-book!
Learn How To Blog Like A Pro To
Generate Thousnds Of Visitors To Your Website Using Blogs.
Thanks for reading
George Christodoulou
Blogging for Beginners
Blogging for Beginners
By Shane Higginbottom
If writing is an art, then, blogging is ultimate way of using words to convey your personal expression. This is because people who are blogging are very creative individuals, carefully crafting words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes, desires, and everything in between.
Basically, blogs were first introduced in the mid-1990s. Blogging has exploded into the virtual community making the Internet a increasingly popular source of information. Today according to Technorati there are well over 50 million blogs on the internet.
If you're looking to get started blogging there are two ways you can go. You can get your own hosting with and purchase your own domain name, or you can search for a free blogging provider. In most cases, A beginning Blogger will choose a free blogging platform.
With the onset of blogging in the industry, personal journaling had been a common ground for people who wish to be known all over the world. However, not literally famous as this is not a case on being popular or well-known personality.
Generally, blogs are created for personal use. Like a daily Diary, people write about their daily adventures, thoughts, personal opinions and whatever ideas they want to express online.
As well, since the dot com boom of the mid 90's, with more and more people and companies starting online businesses, blogs have taken on a whole new dimension in providing businesses a chance to boost their online sales and provide a friendly face for their customers. Since that time business blogging has exploded and has come into it's own a viable source of online income not only for the large corporation but for the individual looking for an additional source of income or starting a home based business. This is what is known euphemistically as blogging for dollars.
Business blogging in its very basic form is advertising the services or products of a web site or online business in order to increase that business's online sales.
Not only that, but, business blogging is also a fantastic way of promoting a companies brand identity so that readers will know that a certain company exists online. With business blogs, internet entrepreneurs are also able to create an online presence in the virtual market place by producing article content that is useful to a reader.
From there, you can make money online blogging by simply syndicating your content to your business' web site. This can be done through the use of RSS technology. Many reader of online content get their daily fix of news and updates by using RSS feeds. It is now possible to promote your product or services content and advertising using RSS feeds.
So, now that you are ready to create a blog, either a business blog or a personal blog, you need some basic blogging tips that WILL help you make your blog one of the more interesting blogs online.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Shane Higginbottom specializes in teaching real people how to make money blogging. To get instant access to all of his most profitable marketing campaigns, strategies, tools, and resources that he's used to grow from zero to replacing his income in just over a year visit: http://www.making-money-blogging.com/
By Shane Higginbottom
If writing is an art, then, blogging is ultimate way of using words to convey your personal expression. This is because people who are blogging are very creative individuals, carefully crafting words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes, desires, and everything in between.
Basically, blogs were first introduced in the mid-1990s. Blogging has exploded into the virtual community making the Internet a increasingly popular source of information. Today according to Technorati there are well over 50 million blogs on the internet.
If you're looking to get started blogging there are two ways you can go. You can get your own hosting with and purchase your own domain name, or you can search for a free blogging provider. In most cases, A beginning Blogger will choose a free blogging platform.
With the onset of blogging in the industry, personal journaling had been a common ground for people who wish to be known all over the world. However, not literally famous as this is not a case on being popular or well-known personality.
Generally, blogs are created for personal use. Like a daily Diary, people write about their daily adventures, thoughts, personal opinions and whatever ideas they want to express online.
As well, since the dot com boom of the mid 90's, with more and more people and companies starting online businesses, blogs have taken on a whole new dimension in providing businesses a chance to boost their online sales and provide a friendly face for their customers. Since that time business blogging has exploded and has come into it's own a viable source of online income not only for the large corporation but for the individual looking for an additional source of income or starting a home based business. This is what is known euphemistically as blogging for dollars.
Business blogging in its very basic form is advertising the services or products of a web site or online business in order to increase that business's online sales.
Not only that, but, business blogging is also a fantastic way of promoting a companies brand identity so that readers will know that a certain company exists online. With business blogs, internet entrepreneurs are also able to create an online presence in the virtual market place by producing article content that is useful to a reader.
From there, you can make money online blogging by simply syndicating your content to your business' web site. This can be done through the use of RSS technology. Many reader of online content get their daily fix of news and updates by using RSS feeds. It is now possible to promote your product or services content and advertising using RSS feeds.
So, now that you are ready to create a blog, either a business blog or a personal blog, you need some basic blogging tips that WILL help you make your blog one of the more interesting blogs online.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Shane Higginbottom specializes in teaching real people how to make money blogging. To get instant access to all of his most profitable marketing campaigns, strategies, tools, and resources that he's used to grow from zero to replacing his income in just over a year visit: http://www.making-money-blogging.com/
The Secrets of the SuperBloggers Revealed
The Secrets of the SuperBloggers Revealed
By Geoff Shaw
Blogging offers anyone the opportunity to make a good deal of money marketing online. With very little skill a complete newbie can create a website through the use of blogging that will produce high optimized web pages targeting specific topics that will allow those pages to rank well in the search engine listings.
What make blogging even more appealing is the fact that those pages will generally get indexed a lot quicker than pages on a static website.
Some of the biggest money earners on the Internet today are doing so by using blogging as their primary source of content distribution.
Even though blogging has been around for quite some time there are still people who completely misunderstand the importance of having a blog.
I often read where uninformed people are stating that blogging is just a fad that will soon die off. Blogging is far from a fad.
It is in fact just a form of content management - nothing more and nothing less. It is here to stay and will enable those who embrace it to prosper.
We have trained youngsters who have no idea of Internet Marketing, website development, affiliate marketing or the terms, Adsense, CPA, PPC and the like to start making money within the first few days of starting their blogs.
Used in combination with social network sites and the benefits of tagging, blogging is a fast road to success for many people.
Fortunately the techniques are quite simple and that is why anyone from a Grandmother to a schoolboy can have an equal chance of success.
Blogging embraces the whole essence of the Internet, and that is the sharing of information. This has been and will always be what will make the Internet grow.
If you aren't blogging now then you are missing out on life changing opportunities. Geoff Shaw from http://www.shiploadsofmoney.com shares the information that he uses to create a successful online business in his free SuperBlogging series of books and newsletter. There are many different techniques that can have a huge influence on your ultimate success.
Learn the Secrets of the SuperBloggers from the FREE SuperBlogging series of books released by Geoff Shaw from http://www.shiploadsofmoney.com along with his informative blog training newsletter. There are a series of books that teach all the aspects of blogging for money and success, from the basic through to techniques that have never been revealed before.
By Geoff Shaw
Blogging offers anyone the opportunity to make a good deal of money marketing online. With very little skill a complete newbie can create a website through the use of blogging that will produce high optimized web pages targeting specific topics that will allow those pages to rank well in the search engine listings.
What make blogging even more appealing is the fact that those pages will generally get indexed a lot quicker than pages on a static website.
Some of the biggest money earners on the Internet today are doing so by using blogging as their primary source of content distribution.
Even though blogging has been around for quite some time there are still people who completely misunderstand the importance of having a blog.
I often read where uninformed people are stating that blogging is just a fad that will soon die off. Blogging is far from a fad.
It is in fact just a form of content management - nothing more and nothing less. It is here to stay and will enable those who embrace it to prosper.
We have trained youngsters who have no idea of Internet Marketing, website development, affiliate marketing or the terms, Adsense, CPA, PPC and the like to start making money within the first few days of starting their blogs.
Used in combination with social network sites and the benefits of tagging, blogging is a fast road to success for many people.
Fortunately the techniques are quite simple and that is why anyone from a Grandmother to a schoolboy can have an equal chance of success.
Blogging embraces the whole essence of the Internet, and that is the sharing of information. This has been and will always be what will make the Internet grow.
If you aren't blogging now then you are missing out on life changing opportunities. Geoff Shaw from http://www.shiploadsofmoney.com shares the information that he uses to create a successful online business in his free SuperBlogging series of books and newsletter. There are many different techniques that can have a huge influence on your ultimate success.
Learn the Secrets of the SuperBloggers from the FREE SuperBlogging series of books released by Geoff Shaw from http://www.shiploadsofmoney.com along with his informative blog training newsletter. There are a series of books that teach all the aspects of blogging for money and success, from the basic through to techniques that have never been revealed before.
Increase Affiliate Marketing Profits With Blogging
Increase Affiliate Marketing Profits With Blogging
By Anik K. Singal
Do you think it's true that blogging is one of the best ways to make money these days?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how you put your blog together.
The personal aspect of blogging makes it much easier for readers to consider you as their friend. You should write a blog post like you are actually talking to a person. Give real advice and a lot of information. This way, the people who read your blog become your “friends” and return over and over for continued advice.
Unfortunately, you can’t just stop at blogging. If you want to make money at it, you still need to treat it like a separate part of your business.
Here are a few things you might want to consider adding to your arsenal of blogging tools.
Always remember to include the basics: Put Google AdSense ads on your sidebar; include affiliate links inside your content; and randomly include an affiliate banner or two at the end of your posts.
The most important thing, and the one that is most overlooked, is to find other blogs that are similar to yours and leave comments. Most bloggers love it when people comment on their blog. It shows them that somebody is reading what they write and is interested in the subject.
Informative comments serve two purposes. The blog owner, as well as the reader, may click through to your site and begin reading your blog. By adding comments that include your web-site address, your post gets an incoming link to your web site or blog. That helps you get more search engine traffic.
Be careful when posting comments. Don’t just post a sentence and then add your link. People catch on to this pretty quick and no one will click on the link if they think your comment is useless. Also, if the blog is moderated; your post might be deleted before anyone gets to read it.
For most people, blogging takes some time to become profitable. People will continue reading your blog, they will send their friends to it, and eventually you will get more people linking to you. Ultimately, that helps lead to good rankings.
You can also use trackbacks when blogging. The best-case scenario is that another blog owner will reference your blog in their articles; and then use the trackback function to link to your blog.
Be sure to put a form on your blog that lets people sign up for a newsletter. As more people start reading your blog, and more people link to it, you will start seeing profits from your affiliate links and adsense ads. And, you will make more income from the information you send in the newsletters as you increase your subscriber base.
Anik Singal is an Internet Entrepreneur and expert in affiliate marketing, including the latest web traffic tactics. For a free course that explains how he earned $10,466 in just 60 days using proven marketing principles, visit http://www.affiliateclassroom.com/free-course.html
By Anik K. Singal
Do you think it's true that blogging is one of the best ways to make money these days?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how you put your blog together.
The personal aspect of blogging makes it much easier for readers to consider you as their friend. You should write a blog post like you are actually talking to a person. Give real advice and a lot of information. This way, the people who read your blog become your “friends” and return over and over for continued advice.
Unfortunately, you can’t just stop at blogging. If you want to make money at it, you still need to treat it like a separate part of your business.
Here are a few things you might want to consider adding to your arsenal of blogging tools.
Always remember to include the basics: Put Google AdSense ads on your sidebar; include affiliate links inside your content; and randomly include an affiliate banner or two at the end of your posts.
The most important thing, and the one that is most overlooked, is to find other blogs that are similar to yours and leave comments. Most bloggers love it when people comment on their blog. It shows them that somebody is reading what they write and is interested in the subject.
Informative comments serve two purposes. The blog owner, as well as the reader, may click through to your site and begin reading your blog. By adding comments that include your web-site address, your post gets an incoming link to your web site or blog. That helps you get more search engine traffic.
Be careful when posting comments. Don’t just post a sentence and then add your link. People catch on to this pretty quick and no one will click on the link if they think your comment is useless. Also, if the blog is moderated; your post might be deleted before anyone gets to read it.
For most people, blogging takes some time to become profitable. People will continue reading your blog, they will send their friends to it, and eventually you will get more people linking to you. Ultimately, that helps lead to good rankings.
You can also use trackbacks when blogging. The best-case scenario is that another blog owner will reference your blog in their articles; and then use the trackback function to link to your blog.
Be sure to put a form on your blog that lets people sign up for a newsletter. As more people start reading your blog, and more people link to it, you will start seeing profits from your affiliate links and adsense ads. And, you will make more income from the information you send in the newsletters as you increase your subscriber base.
Anik Singal is an Internet Entrepreneur and expert in affiliate marketing, including the latest web traffic tactics. For a free course that explains how he earned $10,466 in just 60 days using proven marketing principles, visit http://www.affiliateclassroom.com/free-course.html
Bloggers Vs Internet Marketers - Which One Are You?
Bloggers Vs Internet Marketers - Which One Are You?
By Gobala Krishnan
What is the fundamental difference between a blogger and an Internet marketer? Is there any difference at all to begin with?
Since I had nothing better to do today, I decided to take the risk of being flamed by hate mail by telling you exactly where the line is drawn. While these are examples from the extreme ends of the online publishing spectrum, I believe you'll see my point by the end of this article.
Nowadays, almost every Internet marketer I know has a blog. However, none of them like to be called a blogger. Most bloggers on the other hand think they're Internet marketers. Those poor misguided souls.
Here's what fundamentally different between a blogger and a real Internet marketer making a living online:
1) Living on Search Engine Traffic
The most obvious trait I've seen in a blogger is their over-reliance on search engine traffic. In fact, probably the only way they know of getting visitors to their blogs is by getting a "degree" in Google, and spending all their time trying to please Big-G.
Internet marketers on the other hand see search engine traffic as just one component of their entire marketing campaign. They have access to a wider range of tools such as articles, joint-ventures, pay-per-click advertising and email marketing to mention a few. They have the knowledge to use them and they do so regularly.
2) Lack Of Control Over Their Mailing List
Another common trait of a blogger is the dependence on RSS subscription services like Feedburner to build a database of potential customers. they're content with the fact that by doing this they will never be able to send messages to their loyal readers other than what they post on their blogs.
When you get to a blog maintained by an Internet marketer, instead of seeing a "Subscribe by Feedburner" form, you'll see a "special offer" or reason to optin, followed by a customized form using Aweber or a similar service. By doing this, the Internet market captures the full details of his visitors and is free to send them emails that were never intended to be published on their blogs.
The Internet marketer also analyzes his list to determine their interests, and provides more value based on this findings. He masters his list and knows that they're his most important asset; not the blog.
3) Reluctance on Promoting Affiliate Products
I've seen so many bloggers state "That's my affiliate link" right after they post it on their blogs. It's almost as if they're afraid of their readers finding out that they somehow benefit by putting that link up. They feel guilty making money from others with an affiliate link, so they clearly brand it as such.
The Internet marketer however has no issues with this. His job is to promote products he feels will benefit his market, and he is not afraid to get paid for it. In fact, the Internet marketer EXPECTS to get paid for his efforts, or he doesn't bother doing it at all.
4) Just Publishing Vs Real Marketing
Most blogger are publishers. They focus on getting content up, and then wait for people to come and chew it up. "Build it and they will come", says the blogger. You can't really blame them for taking that stand, because they lack marketing and advertising skills. They really have no other option.
Internet marketers on the other hand know that the marketing graveyard is filled with great ideas and excellent content that never saw the light of day. They know that they need to get out there and market themselves, their products and their overall brand in order to survive in the long term.
5) Limited Knowledge on Monetizing Traffic
Bloggers know of only one monetization method: advertising. The easiest is of course some sort of contextual advertising like Google Adsense or Chitika. Some even go for blog advertising networks and selling text links on their blog, but at the end of the day, they're still dependent of advertising dollars.
The Internet marketer has more tricks up his sleeve. He knows that advertising income is as stable as a melting glacier, and he diversifies his income by selling his own products or services on his blog. In fact, most of them don't even bother with contextual ads because they live much higher up the food-chain.
Let me just say that a true Internet marketer can make the same amount of money from 3 pages of his blog that the average blogger does with 300.
This article may disgust you (if you're a blogger) or may strike a chord in your inner melody (if you're an Internet marketer). Bloggers may say "Oh... but I get tons of traffic, I make money from Adsense and I'm doing fine. So what's the problem?"
The problem is that Internet marketing is a volatile business. By observing both type of individuals all I can say is that in the next few years, the blogger will still be blogging. But the blogs they write for will be owned by a savvy Internet marketers.
It's just the way it works!
Gobala Krishnan is a micro-niche specialist that coaches Internet marketers to cash in on profitable markets using Wordpress and secret blogging tactics. Get started now by reading a copy of his report "Wordpress Adsense System" at http://adsense.easywordpress.com
By Gobala Krishnan
What is the fundamental difference between a blogger and an Internet marketer? Is there any difference at all to begin with?
Since I had nothing better to do today, I decided to take the risk of being flamed by hate mail by telling you exactly where the line is drawn. While these are examples from the extreme ends of the online publishing spectrum, I believe you'll see my point by the end of this article.
Nowadays, almost every Internet marketer I know has a blog. However, none of them like to be called a blogger. Most bloggers on the other hand think they're Internet marketers. Those poor misguided souls.
Here's what fundamentally different between a blogger and a real Internet marketer making a living online:
1) Living on Search Engine Traffic
The most obvious trait I've seen in a blogger is their over-reliance on search engine traffic. In fact, probably the only way they know of getting visitors to their blogs is by getting a "degree" in Google, and spending all their time trying to please Big-G.
Internet marketers on the other hand see search engine traffic as just one component of their entire marketing campaign. They have access to a wider range of tools such as articles, joint-ventures, pay-per-click advertising and email marketing to mention a few. They have the knowledge to use them and they do so regularly.
2) Lack Of Control Over Their Mailing List
Another common trait of a blogger is the dependence on RSS subscription services like Feedburner to build a database of potential customers. they're content with the fact that by doing this they will never be able to send messages to their loyal readers other than what they post on their blogs.
When you get to a blog maintained by an Internet marketer, instead of seeing a "Subscribe by Feedburner" form, you'll see a "special offer" or reason to optin, followed by a customized form using Aweber or a similar service. By doing this, the Internet market captures the full details of his visitors and is free to send them emails that were never intended to be published on their blogs.
The Internet marketer also analyzes his list to determine their interests, and provides more value based on this findings. He masters his list and knows that they're his most important asset; not the blog.
3) Reluctance on Promoting Affiliate Products
I've seen so many bloggers state "That's my affiliate link" right after they post it on their blogs. It's almost as if they're afraid of their readers finding out that they somehow benefit by putting that link up. They feel guilty making money from others with an affiliate link, so they clearly brand it as such.
The Internet marketer however has no issues with this. His job is to promote products he feels will benefit his market, and he is not afraid to get paid for it. In fact, the Internet marketer EXPECTS to get paid for his efforts, or he doesn't bother doing it at all.
4) Just Publishing Vs Real Marketing
Most blogger are publishers. They focus on getting content up, and then wait for people to come and chew it up. "Build it and they will come", says the blogger. You can't really blame them for taking that stand, because they lack marketing and advertising skills. They really have no other option.
Internet marketers on the other hand know that the marketing graveyard is filled with great ideas and excellent content that never saw the light of day. They know that they need to get out there and market themselves, their products and their overall brand in order to survive in the long term.
5) Limited Knowledge on Monetizing Traffic
Bloggers know of only one monetization method: advertising. The easiest is of course some sort of contextual advertising like Google Adsense or Chitika. Some even go for blog advertising networks and selling text links on their blog, but at the end of the day, they're still dependent of advertising dollars.
The Internet marketer has more tricks up his sleeve. He knows that advertising income is as stable as a melting glacier, and he diversifies his income by selling his own products or services on his blog. In fact, most of them don't even bother with contextual ads because they live much higher up the food-chain.
Let me just say that a true Internet marketer can make the same amount of money from 3 pages of his blog that the average blogger does with 300.
This article may disgust you (if you're a blogger) or may strike a chord in your inner melody (if you're an Internet marketer). Bloggers may say "Oh... but I get tons of traffic, I make money from Adsense and I'm doing fine. So what's the problem?"
The problem is that Internet marketing is a volatile business. By observing both type of individuals all I can say is that in the next few years, the blogger will still be blogging. But the blogs they write for will be owned by a savvy Internet marketers.
It's just the way it works!
Gobala Krishnan is a micro-niche specialist that coaches Internet marketers to cash in on profitable markets using Wordpress and secret blogging tactics. Get started now by reading a copy of his report "Wordpress Adsense System" at http://adsense.easywordpress.com
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Why Blogging Is Crucial To Your Business In Today's Business World
Intellectual people fill the rooms of successful businesses, and they've all noticed the benefits that both formal and informal blogs have reaped in past years. Moreover, they will not stand aside and watch this train pass them buy, so many businesses have also stepped unto the blogging locomotive.
Businesses use blogs for a variety of reasons, from drumming up business to receiving customer feedback to building team morale. They've examined the blogs out there, and they want a piece of the blog pie that has made other corporations, individuals, and groups so successful.
Successful blogs will look inviting and yet professional. Obviously you want the respect from your customers that you deserve, and so a professional looking blog should demand that kind of respect. At the same time you want a place that people will want to visit, so you need to have a casual, inviting feel to the blog. You can achieve this through your color and style choice, so consider these carefully when creating the blog. The professional aspect of the blog will also come into play when you consider its usability: make it user friendly. Consider posting notes from the supervisors or president of the company to start out with and to invite your customers to continue to visit the site.
Businesses use their blogs in more ways than just to touch base with their customers. Some companies have opted for in house blogs that pertain only to employees. This especially works well for larger companies. Many companies offer employees the opportunity to provide feedback about the company along side the customers who can also provide feedback. Such blogs open the lines of communication around the office between consumers and employees.
Some companies also use blogs to solve in house problems. Employees may have the opportunity to share their opinions about a given issue in the office. These kinds of sites seem to work best when an employee can voice his opinion anonymously instead of risking his reputation in front of his fellow employees.
And finally, many companies have used blogs to build team morale. They give employees an opportunity to share the great things about their company, and administration also posts information about the company that pertains to employees and genuinely builds up the atmosphere in the office. These kinds of blogs are used to post events like weddings involving employees or birthdays or birth announcements.
In the end, the majority of those who have jumped unto the blog locomotive have not regretted their decision. Blogs have opened a whole new line of communication among customers, employees, and supervisors and in the end, everyone benefits from better communication. So what are you waiting for? Start blogging today.
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as business books at http://www.executivebusinessbooksummaries.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregg_Hall
Businesses use blogs for a variety of reasons, from drumming up business to receiving customer feedback to building team morale. They've examined the blogs out there, and they want a piece of the blog pie that has made other corporations, individuals, and groups so successful.
Successful blogs will look inviting and yet professional. Obviously you want the respect from your customers that you deserve, and so a professional looking blog should demand that kind of respect. At the same time you want a place that people will want to visit, so you need to have a casual, inviting feel to the blog. You can achieve this through your color and style choice, so consider these carefully when creating the blog. The professional aspect of the blog will also come into play when you consider its usability: make it user friendly. Consider posting notes from the supervisors or president of the company to start out with and to invite your customers to continue to visit the site.
Businesses use their blogs in more ways than just to touch base with their customers. Some companies have opted for in house blogs that pertain only to employees. This especially works well for larger companies. Many companies offer employees the opportunity to provide feedback about the company along side the customers who can also provide feedback. Such blogs open the lines of communication around the office between consumers and employees.
Some companies also use blogs to solve in house problems. Employees may have the opportunity to share their opinions about a given issue in the office. These kinds of sites seem to work best when an employee can voice his opinion anonymously instead of risking his reputation in front of his fellow employees.
And finally, many companies have used blogs to build team morale. They give employees an opportunity to share the great things about their company, and administration also posts information about the company that pertains to employees and genuinely builds up the atmosphere in the office. These kinds of blogs are used to post events like weddings involving employees or birthdays or birth announcements.
In the end, the majority of those who have jumped unto the blog locomotive have not regretted their decision. Blogs have opened a whole new line of communication among customers, employees, and supervisors and in the end, everyone benefits from better communication. So what are you waiting for? Start blogging today.
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as business books at http://www.executivebusinessbooksummaries.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregg_Hall
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Link Exchange Directory for the Professional SEO
Quality directory of webmasters actively seeking link exchange. Improve your search engine rankings and link popularity the easy way. Work clever not hard.
Quality directory of webmasters actively seeking link exchange. Improve your search engine rankings and link popularity the easy way. Work clever not hard.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
How To Develop Income Streams
How To Develop Income Streams
By Adnan E
We’ve all seen it before. “Lets start a blog or a website that will be really easy to get up and running, then we’ll put some free internet content on it, then we’ll cover the page with Adsense and wait for the millions to roll into the account.”
You tell your friends to go to your site, and maybe click a few ads here and there (which you definitely should not do in the first place seeing as its banned by Google’s Terms Of Service). “Oh Wow! I’ve earned $1 today, that will definitely grow by tomorrow“. Tomorrow comes and goes and the next day passes and soon its a month and you’ve got nothing, nada, zilch.
Apart from taking the “hit and hope” solution to making easy money on the internet, you’ve also done a very silly thing. You’ve relied solely on Adsense to cover your startup costs, your profits and any expenditure that you might run into whilst on the net. What happens when all of a sudden Google bans your account for fraudulent clicks? You’re stuck in the mud with no place to go, and a lot of waiting time if you’re signing up with a new advertising solution. This means no revenue for that period of time, no profit and no growth which is what the entrepreneur name of the game is.
So how do you go about this? Diversify your income! Let’s put the beginning scenario into perspective again. Imagine now that you have your site with not only Adsense, but Text Link Ads as well serving as an extra income stream. Then if you get banned from Adsense then you’ve got the other TLA advertising solution to fall back on, which will prevent you from losing revenue and profit to grow your business.
The phrase “Income Stream” is very popular on the net, but more important in the real world. Having money to fall back on that you’ve created from a different angle definitely can help get you out of a tight situation, and can also build up on the sideline over a few months or years. Everyone wants a bit more pocket money! Whilst surfing the World Wide Web, there are a great many examples that you can profit from and use to your own advantage which can mean that you will increase your chances of conversions or sales. Take the famous Problogger, namely Darren Rowse. I talk about him a lot as he has managed to perfect his Income Gaining Skills due to the way in which blogging supports his family:
* Firstly, Darren uses Google Adsense to provide readers of his blog with a 1 click exit option, or a chance to go to a page that interests them, and that is associated with a specific article
* Rowse also has a handful of affiliate links in his left sidebar which no doubt pay a healthy cut of whatever product is sold to the user that arrives from Problogger.net.
* Problogger also features Adbrite, another text link solution, which handles the processing of payments, links on your site and much more. All you have to do is put a piece of code on your site. Text Link Ads (aff.) also offers services like this and much more, so go on and check it out!
* Finally and most imaginative and ingenious, Darren Rowse setup his own e-course called Six Figure Blogging which helps new bloggers optimize earnings for their blogs, and puts them on the road to earning “$10,000 a month”. Im sure this figure can only be achieved with daily motivation but nevertheless, he probably gets a healthy sum of money for each ECourse sold, another example of yet another income stream.
Now you can see how these very savvy people realise the importance of diversifying income, so maybe you should give it a go too. Try signing up at Text Link Ads and you could also benefit from their affiliate program like I am! As you develop more and more ways of earning money, you will find that having a bad Adsense day won’t feel like such a bummer.
I’m Adnan, a young entrepreneur from the UK. I started on my road to internet success a few years back when I tried to capitalize one of the many latest crazes around at the time. I made quite a bit of money, and it was at this point that I realised that the Internet was for me. Don't forget to visit me at http://www.blogtrepreneur.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adnan_E
By Adnan E
We’ve all seen it before. “Lets start a blog or a website that will be really easy to get up and running, then we’ll put some free internet content on it, then we’ll cover the page with Adsense and wait for the millions to roll into the account.”
You tell your friends to go to your site, and maybe click a few ads here and there (which you definitely should not do in the first place seeing as its banned by Google’s Terms Of Service). “Oh Wow! I’ve earned $1 today, that will definitely grow by tomorrow“. Tomorrow comes and goes and the next day passes and soon its a month and you’ve got nothing, nada, zilch.
Apart from taking the “hit and hope” solution to making easy money on the internet, you’ve also done a very silly thing. You’ve relied solely on Adsense to cover your startup costs, your profits and any expenditure that you might run into whilst on the net. What happens when all of a sudden Google bans your account for fraudulent clicks? You’re stuck in the mud with no place to go, and a lot of waiting time if you’re signing up with a new advertising solution. This means no revenue for that period of time, no profit and no growth which is what the entrepreneur name of the game is.
So how do you go about this? Diversify your income! Let’s put the beginning scenario into perspective again. Imagine now that you have your site with not only Adsense, but Text Link Ads as well serving as an extra income stream. Then if you get banned from Adsense then you’ve got the other TLA advertising solution to fall back on, which will prevent you from losing revenue and profit to grow your business.
The phrase “Income Stream” is very popular on the net, but more important in the real world. Having money to fall back on that you’ve created from a different angle definitely can help get you out of a tight situation, and can also build up on the sideline over a few months or years. Everyone wants a bit more pocket money! Whilst surfing the World Wide Web, there are a great many examples that you can profit from and use to your own advantage which can mean that you will increase your chances of conversions or sales. Take the famous Problogger, namely Darren Rowse. I talk about him a lot as he has managed to perfect his Income Gaining Skills due to the way in which blogging supports his family:
* Firstly, Darren uses Google Adsense to provide readers of his blog with a 1 click exit option, or a chance to go to a page that interests them, and that is associated with a specific article
* Rowse also has a handful of affiliate links in his left sidebar which no doubt pay a healthy cut of whatever product is sold to the user that arrives from Problogger.net.
* Problogger also features Adbrite, another text link solution, which handles the processing of payments, links on your site and much more. All you have to do is put a piece of code on your site. Text Link Ads (aff.) also offers services like this and much more, so go on and check it out!
* Finally and most imaginative and ingenious, Darren Rowse setup his own e-course called Six Figure Blogging which helps new bloggers optimize earnings for their blogs, and puts them on the road to earning “$10,000 a month”. Im sure this figure can only be achieved with daily motivation but nevertheless, he probably gets a healthy sum of money for each ECourse sold, another example of yet another income stream.
Now you can see how these very savvy people realise the importance of diversifying income, so maybe you should give it a go too. Try signing up at Text Link Ads and you could also benefit from their affiliate program like I am! As you develop more and more ways of earning money, you will find that having a bad Adsense day won’t feel like such a bummer.
I’m Adnan, a young entrepreneur from the UK. I started on my road to internet success a few years back when I tried to capitalize one of the many latest crazes around at the time. I made quite a bit of money, and it was at this point that I realised that the Internet was for me. Don't forget to visit me at http://www.blogtrepreneur.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adnan_E
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