Saturday, November 18, 2006

If You Sping A Splog You Spam Ping Your Blog (Weblog)

If You Sping A Splog You Spam Ping Your Blog (Weblog)
By Tino Buntic

One of the techniques that bloggers use to announce new content on their weblog is to ping it every time they create new content or a new blog entry. A ping is a signal which is sent to a ping server to let it know that a blog has been updated and which also allows blog search engines, like Technorati, to know that there is fresh new content on your blog. One of the most popular free ping providers is

This is important to do after each post because it updates search engine databases, which, in turn, can bring more visitors to your blog (assuming that one of your goals is to have more readers of your blog). This is so because a lot of the blog search engines rank freshest (or newest) results first.

Many blogs are monetized by Google AdSense or other PPC or CPM ads and it is, therefore, in many bloggers best interest to draw as many visitors as possible to their blogs in order to earn more advertising revenue. This has led to spinging splogs. A "splog" is a "spam blog," as coined by Mark Cuban. A "sping" is a "spam ping." A sping happens when someone sends a ping even though a new post has not been created. A sping is sent to dupe blog search engines into believing your weblog posts are new and fresh even though they actually are not.

Spinging a splog is in nobody's best interest except for the spinging spammer. The internet is littered with too much spam as it is and spinging does not help the cause.

Tino Buntic invites you to receive free sales leads and free advertising by creating a TradePals professional profile at TradePals provides qualified sales leads to business professionals across The United States and Canada.

Tino enjoys reading blogs and one of his favorites is Ads Of The World.

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