Friday, July 28, 2006

5 Ways to Create 5 Blog Posts

5 Ways to Create 5 Blog Posts
By DJ Nelson
A lot of people want to blog because they see it as something they should have, but they don’t want the chore of maintaining one. You have a business to run, you have a family to manage, and perhaps you really don’t enjoy writing. That doesn’t mean that you can’t create interesting blog content to post on a regular basis.
Here’s how:
1. Think of something that really bothers you. Consider why it bothers you and think of how it can relate to your business. There’s your first blog post. For example, I don’t like it when people send me rude emails that I perceive to be short in tone so I wrote a post about how to jerk-proof your emails.
2. For post number two think of a few questions that people ask you about your business. Write down the questions and the answers and there is your second blog post.
3. Did you read something interesting lately? What was it and why was it interesting? Can you find a copy of it online? Find the link and post it along with a quick summary and commentary of why you find it interesting.
4. What’s going on in the media? Think of a popular headline, movie, or TV show and come up with a plan for writing a blog about it. For example, when The Devil Wears Prada came out, I wrote a post called “Are you a Devil in Prada?” which discussed how people should strive to treat each other in business environments.
5. When all else fails, make a list! Think of a topic that you know about and come up with a top 5, top 7, or top 10 list. For example, look at this article.
Donyell (DJ) Nelson is an entrepreneur, writer, and speaker who gives people the inspiration and information to create successful online businesses. She is the host of Bold Business Talk and the author of Jump Start Your Success: 9 Insider Secrets to Running an Online Business. Find out how to jump start your business at
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